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Join the Launch Team

Help shape William & Mary’s newest office! 

Are you interested in conflict resolution, psychology, education, business, or law? Or are you looking to gain skills and experience in research, marketing & branding, graphic design, data analysis, or presenting?   
Join the Conflict Resolution & Education Launch Team!   
What is the launch team?

A small group of students who will be selected to work closely with the Director of Conflict Resolution & Education to create a student-led conflict resolution program. Whether you are interested in conflict itself or looking for a place to gain experience in your preferred professional skills, the launch team is a unique opportunity to play a central role in designing a new office that will impact William & Mary students for years to come. 

What will the launch team do? 

The team will assess and discuss conflict needs on campus, make decisions about program structure and goals, gather student input, create branding and marketing materials, and launch the program to the William & Mary community. 

Who can apply? 

Applications are open to all undergraduate and graduate students at William & Mary. 

What is the time commitment? 

The team will begin meeting in September 2024 and run through February 2025. Attendance is expected at monthly meetings (1.5 hrs). Students will be invited to take on individual projects as desired, which will require additional (but minimal) time outside of meetings. 

How does the selection process work?  

Applications to join the team are open through Thursday, September 12, 2024. Those invited to interview will sign up for an interview time during the week of September 16. Decisions will be sent out by Friday, September 20. 

Apply Now

Know someone who'd be a great fit? Nominate them for the team.