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Conflict Resolution & Education

Got conflict? We got you.

Conflict Resolution & Education provides services, support, and resources that empower the William & Mary community to navigate difficult conversations well and resolve issues productively. 

At their core, conflicts show us opportunities for reflection and change.  We value and promote conflict navigation that fosters individual growth, relational health, and community transformation. 

We are committed to using restorative practices to build and strengthen our sense of community, to address issues proactively, and to engage respectfully across differences.  

Learn more about us

Our Services
Trainings & Workshops

Why wait for a conflict to come up to think about how you want to handle it? We offer workshops on a wide range of conflict-related topics that can be tailored to your group's needs and size.  Reach out to learn more and schedule a training for your organization or workplace! 

Consultation & Coaching

Want to talk about how to approach a difficult conversationLooking for an outside person who can shed perspective, offer expertise, and help you think about options?  

Meet with a conflict resolution specialist to discuss and gameplan for the challenges you’re facing. These meetings are also available for those looking to improve their conflict skills proactively. 

Facilitated Conversations & Mediation

Sometimes, the emotions and intensity of conflict make it difficult to have the conversation we want and need to have Our office is trained to facilitate conversations that support everyone involved, get at the root of the issues, and promote collaboration to resolve problems.

Request a Mediation