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Enrollment Information

Consumer Information Disclosures regarding admissions, enrollment, registration, programs of student, enrollment requirements, and degree requirements.

A two-column table presenting consumer information disclosures and descriptions.
Student Body Diversity A snapshot of William & Mary's incoming class including size of the class, in-state and out of state proportions, geographic representation, and high school performance.
University Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog Online catalog of courses, degree requirements, programs offered and continuance.  One site contains current and recent versions of undergraduate and graduate catalogs. 
Undergraduate Programs Explore William & Mary's more than 115 majors and minors,  the core College Curriculum and student engagement opportunities.
Graduate Programs Learn about the five professional programs and the areas of study offered to professional scholars and leaders.
Registration Key information about dates for registration, how to register and searching for courses, adding and dropping a class, overrides and student holds.
Withdrawal/Leave of Absence from W&M Information for students about the process to withdrawal or take a leave of absence from the university after the first day of classes.
Transfer and Test Credit Tips for students to receive degree credit for work completed at other institutions or before matriculation.
Undergraduate Admissions Learn about how to request information from admissions, plan a visit to tour campus and apply for admission.
Graduate Admissions Centralized site to check each program's requirements and deadlines for admission to W&M graduate, post-baccalaureate or professional programs.
University of St. Andrews Joint Degree Program William & Mary and the University of St Andrews offer an undergraduate joint degree: a Bachelor of Arts, International Honours.
Dual Engineering Degree William & Mary has a dual degree program with the engineering school at Columbia University.
Vaccination and Insurance Requirements All full-time students must fulfill both the health requirements and the insurance as a condition of enrollment.