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Mikayla Huffman '22

Planets & Players


The research we do as planetary scientists is part of the great quest to uncover the hidden laws that govern the universe we are born of. We uncover these secret rules together as a community. Research and community are deeply intertwined. I excel in both. I have an extensive history of strong planetary science research which inherently requires critical thinking & problem solving, strong communication skills, and teamwork. My undergraduate research has focused on impact physics but has also delved into spectroscopy and planetary imaging. I’ve worked with folks at W&M, at the Southwest Research Institute, and NASA. The community that springs up around the science we do is essential for strong research. Science doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and it doesn’t happen alone. Mentors become friends, support structures become a community. A strong community yields strong research which in turn spawns more community; it’s a feedback loop. I want to contribute to that. I want to pull others up into our community, and I want to make sure that other early-career women are not affected the same way I was.

As the Dungeon Master for my Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) group, I have seen firsthand the effects critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and leadership can have on a group. I am lucky to have been able to go on these journeys with my players. D&D is incredibly useful for LGBTQ+ players and those with mental illnesses. Being able to create a safe space with your friends to investigate these topics requires a lot of trust and teamwork, but in the end, leads to personal development and self-acceptance. As the DM, it is my job as a leader to foster a sense of community among my players, where they can process these difficult topics, all while pretending to be a dragon, or a shapeshifter, or a horse. Players can play any gender, sexuality, or age, and they can interact with other characters in any way they choose. I have had players tell me that my D&D sessions are the highlight of their week and keep them going when the going gets tough. Personally, I have worked through a lot of my own anxiety and identity through my characters. Being able to see characters go through incredibly difficult situations, deal with the ramifications, and eventually come out stronger on the other side gives players tactics that they can use to process their own hardships outside of the game.