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Job Search

Preparing for the job search requires you to have clear goals and career interests, create a strong network, build a strong resume, develop your cover letter, and practice the interview. The job search itself is a process, and a structured game plan can help you navigate it well.

A successful job search takes a multi-layered approach. You can find jobs through the "visible job market," which includes positions marketed at in-person events, such as career fairs and information sessions, as well as postings on websites, such as TribeCareers. There is also a "hidden job market." You discover these positions through ongoing networking connections, and by directly approaching organizations with no posted openings. Regardless of when you start your job search, engaging in multiple strategies is the most effective approach.

Where to Search
How to Search
Offers, Negotiating, Accepting

Getting a job offer is exciting and seems like the culmination of the job search process. The first step is to celebrate! The next big step is assessing the job offer, potentially negotiating any elements of the offer including salary and benefits, and ultimately deciding whether to accept or decline the offer. Below are guidelines to assist you in this process.

Ethics & Etiquette

Within the job search, there are some unwritten “rules” of behavior and process. Employers have certain expectations and definitions of what they consider polite and professional, and what they consider rude or abrasive. By understanding these expectations, you want to present yourself in the most positive light. Below you will find some tips that may prove helpful to you in the job search. As always, if you have questions or concerns about specific situations, please schedule an appointment with a career advisor.

Top 5 Job Search Tips


Need a quiet space for an interview?

You can reserve a quiet room for phone and virtual interviews in the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., through the Advising Appointments link in TribeCareers. Filter by type: Cohen Interview Room Reservation.