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Student Recruiting Policies

All students must agree to our policies and conditions related to recruiting. For the best success of all students, recruiting should be treated as a valued relationship between the employer and the student. Before the use of Tribe Careers, all students must agree to the following conditions.

Partners in Success

As a William & Mary student, you are ultimately responsible for securing your own employment following graduation. The Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement, William & Mary alumni, faculty and employers play key support roles in the ultimate success of your career/job search strategy. The Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement has established a slate of career development and recruitment services that is fair and equitable to students and employers alike, and supports responsible career decision-making by students. This effort is a partnership. It is up to you to seek counsel and direction to utilize fully the elements of this partnership, just as it is the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement's charge to assist you in preparing yourself effectively for the rigors of the job search.

The Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement staff wants to work together with you so that this process can continue to be most successful. Therefore, we ask that you please read the following statements regarding your rights and responsibilities as they pertain to the usage of our services.

What You Can Expect from Our Office
Access to services, events and William & Mary alumni

All students will have equal access to all Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement services, including career advising, employer resources, workshops and related programming, interview training, resume & cover letter reviews, and recruiting. In addition, you will have access to William & Mary alumni through LinkedIn groups for the purpose of networking and obtaining career information. We encourage you to work with the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement advisors in a proactive manner to prepare for these discussions.

Career marketing strategy

Staff will be available to assist you with the identification and formulation of a successful job search strategy and action plan, including developing a job search profile, resume and cover letter critiques, networking techniques, interview skill development, and follow-up procedures. Also, the staff will be available as a support during the various phases of your decision making with respect to job offers.

Ongoing employer relations

Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement staff actively develops and enhances relationships with employers for the purpose of increasing employment opportunities. These opportunities will be reflected in our on-campus recruiting program, various off-campus recruiting events and referrals for job opportunities with a diverse group of employers.

Freedom of choice

You will have the freedom to choose an internship and permanent job opportunity that best suits your career goals and objectives. To this end, the staff will work with you to ensure that your values, goals, and objectives are clarified to ensure that you are positioned to make the best possible employment decisions.


The Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement will maintain the confidentiality of your information, regardless of the source, including written records, reports and databases. Individual data will be kept confidential.

What the Career Center Expects from You

Deciding on offers, whether it be an internship or full-time, can be exciting and daunting! We encourage you to think carefully and critically about an offer and the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement is here to help. Interesting is talking through the process? We encourage you to see one of the professional advisors in the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement! Below are a few suggestions to guide you in your thinking process.

Professional conduct

Interviews, corporate presentations and communication with employers are professional activities that require professional conduct. As in all Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement functions, punctuality and professional demeanor are expected.

Interview with commitment

Research each organization that you will be interviewing with and be prepared to explain your interest in working there. Don't expect the interviewer to "sell" you on the organization. Don't use interviewing for practice.

Adhere to schedules

Appear for all career advising appointments and job interviews, whether on or off campus, in a timely manner unless an emergency prevents you from doing so. If an emergency occurs, immediately notify The Career Center, 757-221-3231, so that alternative arrangements can be made.

  • No Shows: Students who fail to appear for a scheduled job interview are considered “no shows.” Our definition of a "no show" includes either no notification or inadequate notice (less than 48 hours’ notice in all reasonable situations, including serious illness). This is not only discourteous to both the interviewer and your classmates, it also reflects poorly on William & Mary. Interview and all TribeCareers privileges will be suspended for any student who misses an interview until a letter of explanation has been sent to the interviewer (usually within 24 hours) and a copy received by the Employer Engagement & Programming staff in the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement. You may email a copy of your apology to If repeat offenses occur, more severe action may be taken.
  • On-Site Employer Interview Cancellations: If you are interviewing on-site with an employer, you should provide at 48 hours notice to cancel. This also includes Consortia events.
Making decisions concerning job offers

Deciding on offers, whether it be an internship or full-time, can be exciting and daunting! We encourage you to think carefully and critically about an offer and the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement is here to help. Interesting is talking through the process? We encourage you to see one of the professional advisors in the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement! Below are a few suggestions to guide you in your thinking process.

Communicate your acceptance or rejection of a job offer on or before the date agreed upon. If you must request additional time to consider an employer's offer, do so by notifying the person who extended you the offer as soon as possible. Reach out via phone as a professional courtesy. Asking for an extension is not an unusual request. Employers are reasonable and by asking, you may be offered the extension you need!

Accept an offer in good faith

Never accept an offer just to have one, waiting for the “real offer” you’re hoping for or that another will come your way. And, if you believe you will be getting multiple offers, please don’t verbally accept, e-mail accept or sign a contract until you are absolutely sure of your decision. Once you accept an offer, you must withdraw from all other interviews. You are expected to honor your commitment and uphold professional practice, honoring the William & Mary tradition of individual responsibility. Should you not follow the above stated practice offers, accepting and then declining, whether through TribeCareers or not, you are reneging on an offer.

William and Mary does not condone reneging of job or internship offers by students or employers. Reneging on an offer will result in being blocked from Tribe Careers and on campus recruitment. Please remember you are representing William & Mary and your actions, if less than professional, reflect back on the institution, the Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement and more importantly, YOU!

Notify the us with any status changes in your job search

This information assists the Career Center staff in identifying and helping students who need additional support in either their internship or permanent job search.

Our Policy Regarding Acceptance Timelines with Employers
Fall Recruiting

Students receiving full-time offers from fall interviews will have until October 31 or three weeks (whichever is greater) to accept or decline offers.

Spring Recruiting

Students receiving internships from spring recruiting will have until February 14 or two weeks (whichever is greater) to accept or decline offers.

Full-time Spring Recruiting

Students receiving full-time offers will have until February 28 or three weeks (whichever is greater) to accept or decline offers.