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Bike Alliance Advisory - The Power of "No One" with Kathryn Bertine

Location: Sadler Center Commonwealth Auditorium
Contact: Bill Horacio (12434)
Full Description

K. Bertine Trek Ambassador

The Power of ‘No One' - A presentation on how we can all create change through benevolent disruption, visionary teamwork and questioning the obvious.

Ms. Bertine a retired professional cyclist, author, documentary filmmaker, and advocate for gender equity/social justice & health/wellness is renowned for her social activism movement Le Tour Entier in an effort to bring parity to women’s professional road cycling, starting with the Tour de France. She and her team succeeded, and a women’s field was included in 2014 with the addition of La Course by Tour de France. Her documentary film “Half the Road: The passion, pitfalls & power of women’s pro cycling” debuted in 2014, winning five film festivals & gaining international distribution. In 2017, Kathryn founded the Homestretch Foundation, which provides free housing to female professional athletes struggling with the gender pay gap.