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Forms & Documents

Need a form? We've got you covered. 


Online Forms for Service Requests

Online Forms

Forms, their purpose, instructions, and who to contact


Purpose and Description



Appeal Form

Submit an appeal to a citation.

Log in, view CITATIONS tab,

and follow prompts.

Read this guide on the process

for more information.

Kevin Radcliffe

Airport Shuttle

Reserve a seat on a shuttle to &

from local airports for published

student breaks.  See Airport and

Out of Town Travel Page.

Jason Hamlin


James Keeter

Special Event
Support Request

Request parking support for a

large special event.

Johnnie Hill

Support Request 

Request a shuttle, charter, or

transport for a department, 

group, or special event. 

More info here.

Jason Hamlin


James Keeter

Visitor Parking

Departments hosting a visitor

may pay for a visitor parking

area code with an index using

this form.  Otherwise, the visitor

or dept may may for a code on

the app with a credit/debit card.

Bonnie Mahar


Application Forms

Permit Application Forms

During July and August, permits are purchased via the online portal.  Volunteers, Visiting Scholars, and Contractors/Vendors should contact Parking for special instructions beforehand.

Button linking to online parking portal.
register and order Permit Here
Permit application forms, purpose, and descriptions.
Application Name Purpose & Description

Commuter Student Form 2020-21 


Application for a Commuter Student permit,

usually referred to as a Day Student. 

This form is for a permit for students who

do not live in campus administered housing.

Emeritus Faculty Form 2020-21


Application for emeriti for a Faculty/Staff permit

at a reduced fee.  Emeriti status is verified

through the Provost's office.

Faculty & Staff Form 2020-21

Application for an employee parking permit. 

Students employed by the university, including

grad students, do not qualify.

General Permit Form 2020-21


Application for people who are otherwise

non-affiliated with the university, such as

Williamsburg city residents or independent



Osher Permit Form 2020-21

Application for members of the Osher Lifelong

Learning Institute.  Only available for Osher

members, NOT Fac/Staff also opting to take

Osher courses.

Resident Student Form 2020-21

Application for a Resident Student permit, both

underclassmen and gradplex. This form is for a

parking permit for students who live in campus

administered housing.

Visiting Scholar Form 2020-21

Application for people in residence but not

otherwise employed by William & Mary and
therefore non-affiliated.  Documentation from

sponsoring dept must be provided to Parking

before this permit is issued.

Volunteer Permit Form 2020-21

Application for people who volunteer for William
& Mary and are otherwise non-affiliated. 

Documentation from dept hosting the volunteer

must be provided to Parking before this permit

is issued.


Requests for Exceptions to Policy

Exceptions to Policy: Restricted Use Decal

Please refer to Exception to Policy Process before selecting a form.  *Due to COVID-19, disregard instructions to come into the office; you will be contacted by Parking with instructions after receiving an approval to exception.

Exception to policy forms with instructions and contacts.
Application Name Purpose and Instructions Contact

Form A, Student Medical
Request (pdf)


Form B, Student Medical
Request (pdf)

Request an exception to parking policy for

medical reasons.  Complete both forms and

send to Student Accessibility Services in the

Dean of Students Office.

SAS Office

Part-Time Employment
Exception Request

Request an exception to parking policy for 

part-time, off-campus employment.  Complete

the form and send to Parking Services office.

Address on form should include dorm building

name and building address.

Kevin Radcliffe 
Parking Services

Restricted Use Permit
General Request

Request an exception to parking policy

for other reasons not classified here.  

Complete the form and send to Parking

Services office.  Address on form should

include dorm building name and building


Kevin Radcliffe 
Parking Services

Student Volunteer Permit
Request Form

Request an exception to parking policy for 

part-time, off-campus volunteerism.  Complete

the form and send to Parking Services office.

Address on form should include dorm building

name and building address.

OCE Website


Other Miscellaneous Items