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Dillard Complex Demolition and Renewal

Standard File
Abatement and Demolishing Munford and Hughes Hall at Dillard Complex. Relocate IT
Data Hub for Dillard Complex from Hughes Hall to IT Building behind Scene Shop.

•  Project Name:                                   Dillard Complex – Building Demolition
•  Project Number:                               263026
•  Cost:                                                   $1,100,000
•  Fund Source:                                     University Funds
•  Demolition GSF:                               115,200
•  Project Start Date:                            Nov 2019
•  Construction Start Date:                  Jun 2021
•  Finish Date:                                       Dec 2021
•  Project Manager:                              Catherine Parker
•  Design Team:                                    McPherson Design Group, P.C.
•  Contractor
:                                        Demolition Services, Inc