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Faculty books published in 2016

The following books were authored or edited by William & Mary faculty members and published in 2016. Books are listed in alphabetical order within the following categories: arts & sciences, education, law and novels (additional categories may be added throughout the year as more books are published). The information contained herein was submitted by the faculty authors. Additional books may be submitted via this online form. - Ed.

Arts & Sciences

Arab Imago: A Social History of Portrait Photography 1860-1910

By Stephen Sheehi, Sultan Qaboos bin Said Chair of Middle East Studies, Professor of Arabic Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, Director of the Asian and Middle East Studies Program

The birth of photography coincided with the expansion of European imperialism in the Middle East, and some of the medium's earliest images are Orientalist pictures taken by Europeans in such places as Cairo and Jerusalem — photographs that have long shaped and distorted the Western visual imagination of the region. But the Middle East had many of its own photographers, collectors, and patrons. In this book, Stephen Sheehi presents a groundbreaking new account of early photography in the Arab world.

The Arab Imago concentrates primarily on studio portraits by Arab and Armenian photographers in the late Ottoman Empire. Examining previously known studios such as Abdullah Frères, Pascal Sébah, Garabed Krikorian and Khalil Raad, the book also provides the first account of other pioneers such as Georges and Louis Saboungi, the Kova Brothers, Muhammad Sadiq Bey and Ibrahim Rif'at Pasha — as well as the first detailed look at early photographs of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. In addition, the book explores indigenous photography manuals and albums, newspapers, scientific journals, and fiction.

Featuring extensive previously unpublished images, The Arab Imago shows how native photography played an essential role in the creation of modern Arab societies in Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon before the First World War. At the same time, the book overturns Eurocentric and Orientalist understandings of indigenous photography and challenges previous histories of the medium.

Published by Princeton University Press, May 2016 | More information

The Art and Soul of African American Interpretation

By Ywone Edwards-Ingram, Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Anthropology

Colonial Williamsburg, long a leader in interpreting African American history, continues to present new and innovative programming. The Art and Soul of African American Interpretation is the first book in which African-American interpreters themselves reflect on their profession. Six experienced interpreters discuss how they research historical figures and create characters, often with little documentary evidence; how they connect with diverse and sometimes hostile audiences; and how they use a variety of techniques, from storytelling and acting to carpentry and gardening, to make the past relevant. The book also includes information on the historical figures these interpreters have brought to life, among them Gowan Pamphlet, an enslaved man who pastored an early black church; Edith Cumbo, a free black woman; Wil, an enslaved tavern man, and Eve, an enslaved domestic woman.

Ywone D. Edwards-Ingram is a staff archaeologist at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation with over 20 years of service in research, training and working with its African-American interpretation.

Published by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, April 2016 (hardcover) | More information

The Cambridge Companion to William Carlos Williams

Edited by Christopher MacGowan, Professor of English

Thirteen new essays on influential modernist writer William Carlos Williams discussing his poetry and prose. Introduction by Christopher MacGowan, and a chronology and up to date bibliography. 

Published by Cambridge University Press, June 2016 | More information

Ethnic Politics and State Power in Africa: The Logic of the Coup-Civil War Trap

By Philip Roessler, Assistant Professor of Government

This book models the trade-off that rulers of weak, ethnically-divided states face between coups and civil war. Moving between in-depth case studies of Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo based on years of field work and statistical analyses of powersharing, coups and civil war across sub-Saharan Africa, the book offers a novel theory of state failure and serves as an exemplar of the benefits of mixed methods research for theory-building and testing in comparative politics.

Published by Cambridge University Press, 2016 | More information

Learning Base R

By Lawrence Leemis, Professor of Mathematics

Learning Base R provides an introduction to the R language for those with and without prior programming experience. Short chapters introduce and illustrate the use of various R commands and functions.

Published by Lightning Source, 2016 | More information

Or Give Me Death

By Eliot Dudik, Visiting Assistant Professor of Photography, in collaboration with Jared Ragland

Photographed, printed and bound on the occasion of the Candela Books + Gallery Indie PhotoBook Showcase, May 4-7, 2016 in Richmond, Va., Or Give Me Death is the second collaborative One Day Project by Eliot Dudik and Jared Ragland. Or Give Me Death is a meditation on patriotism and civil liberties, interweaving references to revolutionaries including Founding Father Patrick Henry, slave rebellion leader Gabriel Prosser, and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Self-published, handmade, 100 copies as part of the Candela Gallery's Indie Photobook Showcase in Richmond, Virginia, May 2016 | More information

Patricia Johanson and the Reinvention of Public Environmental Art, 1958-2010

By Xin Wu, Assistant Professor of Art History

The issue of translation between visual arts and landscape design is studied through the career of Patricia Johanson, an important artist in the second half of the twentieth-century. Following Johanson's artistic development, from its formation in the post-WWII New York art scene to the very present day, across the fields of art, architecture, garden, civil engineering and environmental aesthetics, this book investigates the process of creation in a transdisciplinary perspective, and reveals a view of art as a domain of exploration of key issues for the contemporary world. The artist's concept of nature is highlighted, and particular impacts of Chinese aesthetics unveiled.

Published by Routledge (expected in paperback in fall 2016; hardback by Ashgate in 2013) | More information

The Powhatan Landscape: An Archaeological History of the Algonquian Chesapeake

By Martin Gallivan, Associate Professor of Anthropology

The Powhatan Landscape traces the Algonquian past in the Chesapeake from the spread of forager-fishers to the colonial-era Powhatan chiefdom. The book develops the argument that scholars' attentiveness to English colonial intervention in the Chesapeake has concealed a deeper, indigenous history in Tidewater Virginia. The primary goal is to shift the frame of reference from English colonial accounts toward a longer narrative of Virginia Algonquians' construction of places, communities, and connections in between.

Published by University Press of Florida, August 2016 | More information

QBism: The Future of Quantum Physics

By Hans Christian von Baeyer, Chancellor Professor of Physics

Using straightforward language without equations, the auhor clarifies the meaning of quantum mechanics in a commonsense way that suggests a new approach to physics in general." Reviews and more information can be found on and the Harvard University Press website.

Published by Harvard University Press, 2016 | More information

Why Comrades Go to War: Liberation Politics and the Outbreak of Africa's Deadliest Conflict

Co-authored by Philip Roessler, Assistant Professor of Government and Harry Verhoeven of Georgetown University

Drawing on hundreds of interviews with protagonists from Congo, Rwanda, Angola, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Why Comrades Go to War tells the story of how a group of Congolese revolutionaries and their regional allies came together in 1996-1997 to overthrow Congo's long-serving dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko, but within 15 months ended up turning on each other, triggering the deadliest conflict since World War II. In revisiting the dynamics leading to this devastating conflict, the book makes a broader contribution to political science by advancing our understanding of the nexus between regional polarization, revolution and the externalization of civil war.

Published by Oxford University Press/Hurst Publishers, 2016 | More information


The Entrapment Defense, 5th Edition

By Paul Marcus, Haynes Professor of Law

The only book of its kind in the U.S., this treatise explores in depth the uniquely American defense of entrapment in criminal prosecutions. 

Published by Lexis Nexis, 2016 | More information

The Great Yazoo Lands Sale: The Case of Fletcher v. Peck

By Charles F. Hobson, retired staff member of the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and resident scholar, William & Mary School of Law

Tells the story of Georgia's sale of its western lands (present-day Alabama and Mississippi) in 1795 and the state's revocation of the sale in 1796. The sale and revocation gave rise to a landmark Supreme Court case in which Chief Justice John Marshall first expounded the contract clause of the Constitution.

Published by The University Press of Kansas, October 2016 | More information

Fiduciaries of Humanity: How International Law Constitutes Authority

By Evan J. Criddle, Professor of Law at William & Mary, with with Evan Fox-Decent, Associate Professor of Law at McGill University

This book argues that under international law today, states serve as fiduciaries of humanity, and their authority to govern and represent their people is dependent on their satisfaction of numerous duties, the most general of which is to establish a regime of secure and equal freedom on behalf of the people subject to their power. International institutions also serve as fiduciaries of humanity and are subject to similar fiduciary obligations. In contrast to the receding classical model of public international law, which assumes an abiding tension between a state's sovereignty and principles of state responsibility, the fiduciary theory reconciles state sovereignty and responsibility by explaining how a state's obligations to its people are constitutive of its legal authority under international law.

Published by Oxford University Press, August 2016

Human Rights in Emergencies

Edited by Evan J. Criddle, Professor of Law

Public emergencies such as civil wars, natural disasters, and economic crises test the theoretical and practical commitments of international human rights law. During national crises, international law permits states to suspend many human rights protections in order to safeguard national security. States frequently overstep the limits of this authority, violating even peremptory human rights such as the prohibitions against torture and prolonged arbitrary detention. In this volume, leading scholars from law, philosophy, and political science grapple with challenging questions concerning the character, scope and salience of international human rights, and they explain how the law seeks to protect human rights during emergencies. The contributors also evaluate the law's successes and failures and offer new proposals for strengthening respect for human rights.

Published by Cambridge University Press, July 2016

The Rights of the Accused Under the Sixth Amendment, 2nd Edition

Co-authored by Paul Marcus, Haynes Professor of Law 

The book provides a comprehensive analysis of many of the key provisions of the sixth amendment to the U.S. constitution. It includes discussion of right of confrontation, jury trials and speedy trial matters. 

Published by ABA Publishing, 2016 | More information

Virginia Medical Law, Fourth Edition

By Rodney K. Adams, Adjunct Professor of Law

Virginia Medical Law, 4th Edition provides practical explanations for a healthcare provider or administrator in dealing with common legal issues facing the industry. Many healthcare attorneys keep it as a desk reference.

Published by Commonwealth Medico-Legal Press, 2016 | More information


Career Development Interventions (fifth edition)

By Spencer Niles, Dean of the W&M School of Education, and JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey

In the fifth and most recent edition of their top-selling text, Career Development Interventions, Spencer G. Niles and co-author JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey provide readers with an extensive discussion of how contemporary issues impact the field of career counseling. Such discussion includes sections dedicated to 21st century technology and social networking as tools for career guidance. The audience for this text spans all levels of students and members of the community who may be interested in career development theories and assessments. MyCounselingLab® is also available to readers as an online supplemental learning tool. Niles currently utilizes the text in his Career Development course at the School of Education.

Published by Pearson Education, Inc., January 2016 | More information

The Charter School Solution: Distinguishing Fact from Rhetoric

Edited by Tara L. Affolter and Jamel K. Donnor, Associate Professor of Education and Co-Director of the Holmes Scholars Program

Challenging the popular perception that the free market can objectively ameliorate inequality and markedly improve student academic achievement, this book examines the overly positivistic rhetoric surrounding charter schools. Taking a multifocal approach, this book examines how charter schools reproduce inequality in public education. By linking charter schools to broader social issues and political economic factors, such as neoliberalism, race, and class, The Charter School Solution presents a more complete and nuanced assessment of charter schools in the context of the American public education system.

Published by Routledge, 2016 | More information

Critical Race Theory in Education: All God's Children Got a Song, 2nd Edition

Co-edited by Jamel K. Donnor, Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the School of Education

Appropriate for both students curious about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and established scholars, Critical Race Theory in Education is a valuable guide to how this theoretical lens can help better understand and seek solutions to educational inequity. While CRT has been established as a vital theoretical framework for understanding the ways race-neutral policies and laws sustain and promote racial inequity, questions around how to engage and use CRT remain. This second edition of Critical Race Theory in Education evaluates the role of CRT in the field of higher education, answering important questions about how we should understand and account for racial disparities in our school systems. Parts I and II trace the roots of CRT from the legal scholarship in which it originated to the educational discourse in which it now resides. A much-anticipated Part III examines contemporary issues in racial discourse and offers all-important practical methods for adopting CRT in the classroom.

Published by Routledge in paperback, fall 2016 | More information

MOOCs and Higher Education: Implications for Institutional Research

Edited by Stephanie J. Blackmon, Assistant Professor of Higher Education at William & Mary, and Claire H. Major

This special volume of New Directions for Institutional Research highlights current trends and issues related to the emergence and development of a new instructional form in higher education: Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The purpose of this volume is to provide institutional researchers and others with information about the possibilities and challenges for current and future research on MOOCs.

Published by Jossey-Bass, a Wiley company, April 2016

Recontextualized A Framework for Teaching English with Music

By Lindy L. Johnson, Assistant Professor of English Education

Recontextualized: A Framework for Teaching English with Music provides theoretically-sound, classroom-tested practices for including music into the English Language Arts classroom. The framework described in Recontextualized can be easily adapted to a variety of educational standards and consists of four separate approaches, each with a different emphasis or application. Written by experienced teachers from a variety of settings across the United States, this book illustrates the myriad ways popular music can be used, analyzed, and created by students in the English Language Arts classroom.

Published by Sense Publishers, 2016 | More information

The Standards Dedcoded, Grades 6-8

Co-authored by Lois A. Williams, adjunct in the William & Mary School of Education

This book gives a full explanation of each of the CCSS for mathematics in grades 6-8 along with descriptions of what the standard looks like in a classroom from what the teacher does and what the students do. Also included for each standard are student misconceptions.

Published by Corwin Press, March 2016 | More information


Healer's Cursed Gift

By Wanda A. Wallace, the John N. Dalton Professor of Business Emerita

Though the town needs a doctor, Claire finds the sign he's posted outside his surgery most disturbing. The doctor plans on treating anyone, including outlaws, and the border's not far away. She fears more riffraff will darken her family's general store and cause grief for the townsfolk. Preoccupied by her thoughts, she misses the rattlesnake that causes her horse to rear. Responding to gunshots, Doctor Healdeman attends to his reluctant patient. After, Healer extracts her commitment to secrecy when his special gift is revealed during treatment. Thus begins their relationship, full of tension and strange twists, unlocking an unbelievable future.

Published by Soul Mate Publishing, January 2016 | More information

Licorice, Mystery, Danger & Love

By Wanda A. Wallace, the John N. Dalton Professor of Business Emerita

While visiting her mother in the hospital, Jillian is struck from behind and collapses. She awakens in the dark, finds she's locked in the trunk of a car, and works to gain her freedom. Unsure whether a victim of random crime or targeted alongside her ailing mother, Jillian remembers just before the blow rendered her unconscious, she'd seen something disturbing on the bed stand, right beside her sleeping mother. Frightened she could already be too late, she must escape and find out what's happened and why.

Published by Soul Mate Publishing, August 2016 | More information