Dalai Lama event at William & Mary Hall to be streamed live
While the event itself is sold out, people can still watch the Dalai Lama lecture at William & Mary Hall later this month via a live web stream.
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama will deliver a lecture at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 10 in Kaplan Arena at William & Mary Hall. The lecture will be streamed via a link at www.wm.edu/dalailamavisit. There is no charge to view the stream.
The event is sponsored by the William & Mary Student Assembly, Alma Mater Productions (AMP) - the student programming committee - and the International Relations Club. Additional support is made possible through the Janet and Peter Atwater Lecture Endowment.
For updated information on the event – including a map of parking locations for the general public, please visit the event website -- www.wm.edu/dalailamavisit.
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama does not charge a speaking engagement fee, and no aspect of His Holiness' visit is being used to profit financially.