How This Works
Students in the St Andrews Joint Degree Programme split their undergraduate years between William & Mary in the U.S.A. and St Andrews University in Scotland. The university to which you apply and where you complete your first year is your home university. The one at which you complete your second year is your host university. You must spend your second year at the host institution.
Towards the end of your second year, you will decide how best to spend your third and fourth years. Depending on your goals, it may make more sense to choose one route over the other. You will work with your advisor to determine the best plan for you. Keep in mind that when you choose the location of your third year, you must spend your fourth at the other school.
In most ways, your years at William & Mary will be like those of any other W&M student. You will go through orientation and live in the residence halls with other W&M students. You may take part in almost all W&M student activities, except for ROTC and certain varsity sports.
The curricula for the Programme majors differ from the standard W&M curriculum. For one thing, you will have a major from the time you matriculate. Most of your W&M peers will not declare their major until the end of their second year. Your major will have different requirements from that of your classmates.
It's important that you review the Programme Guide and Catalog Supplement very carefully. Other differences, such as the grading systems are detailed there. We also recommend frequent consultations with your advisor to make sure you're on the right track.
Despite differences in curricula, you will participate fully in life at William & Mary. You will also access the services of our student support network.
You are welcome to attend both William & Mary and St Andrews graduations! One thing to keep in mind however: due to differences in academic calendars, if your final year is at St. Andrews, you will not receive your actual diploma at the time of the William & Mary graduation. You will instead receive a placeholder diploma until your final grades and any honors you have, are received from St Andrews.

Get Help Now
For emergencies, call 911. For all other matters, this page lists resources that can help.

Living quarters, meal plans

Key dates in the W&M and St Andrews calendars.

Health & Wellness
Student Health Center, Counseling Center, information on student health insurance

Tutoring, study skills, time management

Campus Life
Sports, recreation, student organizations, arts...

Accommodations, support, parent & faculty communication

Parents & Families
Resources to help you support your student

Police & Personal Safety
Public safety, emergency communications, and emergency management services

Report Issues & Concerns
Concerns may range from possible conduct or honor violations to concerns for the general welfare of a student.