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COLL 300: In the World

The purpose of COLL 300 is to connect you with people, places, and ideas that take you out of familiar surroundings and deepen the way you see yourself in the world. To introduce you to people and ideas that are outside your sphere of direct experience. To challenge your ways of thinking. To make you a little uncomfortable.

Professor Fabricio Prado discusses his COLL 300 course

COLL 300 experiences ask you to use your knowledge, your emerging expertise in framing questions, and your communication skills to engage the world in a self-reflective, cross-cultural way.

How to Fulfill COLL 300

Typically, COLL 300 happens in your third year. There are many ways to complete COLL 300:

  • You can experience COLL 300 on campus, through designated courses that address global or cross-cultural issues and include presentations by visiting scholars, artists, and public intellectuals.
  • Study abroad in a program sponsored by William & Mary and offered through the Reves Center. These all qualify as COLL 300 experiences.
  • You could take courses through the DC Program that are designated as COLL 300.

Search PATH for attribute type "College 300" for courses and descriptions.

Other experiences may qualify for COLL 300, including study abroad in a non-W&M program or conducting research abroad. Just make sure ahead of time that your plans qualify for COLL 300.