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2018-19 News

What the devil? Raft goes empty in annual debate

Students, faculty and staff, and members of the community flooded the Chesapeake rooms in the Sadler Center on March 14 to watch the annual Raft Debate in which three professors, deserted on an imaginary island, represented their disciplines in an battle for a single spot on an imaginary raft.

New student group seeks dialogue with the city

The Student Residents Group has 32 members whose goal is to make its opinions known to city leaders and to enhance students' life experiences in and around Williamsburg.

DCA Taps Walter as Director of the Division of Local Government Services

The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) announced today the appointment of Melanie Walter (JD/MPP '13) as the Director of the Division of Local Government Services (DLGS). She will also serve as Chairperson of the State’s Local Finance Board.

Blockchain innovation, from Williamsburg to South Korea

Troy Wiipongwii MPP ’18 and Professor Mike Tierney ’87, co-director of W&M’s Global Research Institute. joined forces on a project that uses a new technology to make foreign aid programs more efficient and effective.

Brett Levanto, MPP '09, Testifies Before Congress

Brett got to live out a policy maker's when he was asked to provide testimony at Congressional hearing on a topic he cares about and in which he was able to highlight a bill that he helped to draft.

Coastal Policy Conference highlights collaboration

If there was one underlying current to William & Mary Law School’s sixth annual Virginia Coastal Policy Center Conference on “Building a Resilient Virginia,” it was collaboration.

Investigating Uber's claim as an accident deterrent

W&M student Brittany Young '20 spent her seven weeks as a fellow with the Summer Research Program sponsored by the Schroeder Center for Health Policy, looking into the impact of Uber on motor vehicle accidents in Virginia.

John Parman Receives Plumeri Award

Joseph J. Plumeri ’66, D.P.S. ’11, established the eponymous award in 2009 in order to encourage exceptional faculty members to pursue their research interests and further challenge their students.