Spring Newsletter 2013
Dear Alumni of the William and Mary Psychology Department,
Happy Spring! It is hard to believe that spring may be around the corner with the recent snow we experienced at the end of March! However, this weather is conducive to focusing on work and not getting distracted by the allure of warm sun, light breezes, and fun in the Sunken Gardens. In psychological terms, we call this “reframing”!
Larry Ventis and the Study of Humor at the College of William and MaryIn this newsletter, we showcase the research of Dr. Larry Ventis who joined the faculty in 1969. Larry will be hosting an international conference on Humor this July on the campus of William and Mary. |
International Service
2013 Undergraduate and Graduate Research SymposiumsFinally, we would like to showcase the research that our students recently presented at the 19th annual science symposium for undergraduates, and the 12th regional graduate student research symposium. These student conferences provided our students with an excellent opportunity to show off their research, while learning about that of their peers. |
Commencement 2013Of course, of utmost importance to many of our students and their families is the rapidly approaching Graduation ceremonies on May 12th. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate over 150 psychology majors who will receive their diplomas in our departmental ceremony which will take place in Phi Beta Kappa Hall. Stay tuned for our last newsletter of the academic year that will highlight these activities. |
Homecoming 2013
Please save this date: October 25, 2013.
As we look ahead to the fall we hope you will join us for the Psychology Department’s Homecoming festivities including a lecture by MA alumnus, Martie Haselton (’97) who is currently a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.
We look forward to hearing your news, and seeing you in person whenever you are in the Williamsburg area.
Janice Zeman, Chair
and the faculty of the Psychology Department