Class of 2023
Senior research topics, honors, and what's next:
Advisor: Vahala
“Modeling Plasma Physics with Qubit Lattice Algorithms”
2. Balin Alexander Armstrong, HONORS, MORTAR BOARD, *PBK, *MON, BS-PHYS/CLST; LATN
Advisor: Orginos
“Trivializing Maps for the O(2) Model in Two Dimensions”
3. Jude Joseph Bedessem, HONORS, *PBK, *MON, BS-PHYS/MATH
Advisor: Erlich
“Finite Temperature Holographic Hard Wall QCD”
3. Marguerite Duffy Bright, HONORS, *MON, BS-PHYS;EPAD/CHEM
Advisor: Manos
“A Study of Reciprocal Underwater Motion and its Use in Algae Harvesting”
5. Henry Patrick Buron, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Frey
“Unmanned Electric Boat”
6. Rachel Emma Caulfield, *MON, MORTAR BOARD, BS-PHYS
Advisors: Kidwell and Aubin
“IR Spectroscopy of NO-Ethane”
7. Ethan Chang, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Frey
“Unmanned Electric Boat”
8. Javier Eduardo Chiriboga, HONORS, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Mordijck
“Investigating Electron Transport in Tokamaks Using Computer Simulation and Machine Learning”
9. Athena Comer, BS-PHYS/MATH
Advisor: Orginos
“The Feasibility of Simulating the Quantum Quartic Anharmonic Oscillator via Quantum Computing”
10. Owen Laurence Darcy, *MON, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Frey
“Unmanned Electric Boat”
11. Joshua Paul Dunn, *MON, BS-INTR-SD
Advisor: Nelson
“Machine Construction and End Effector Iteration of Fermilab DUNE's Anode Plane Assembly Epoxy Printer”
12. Adriana Isabel de la Guardia, *MON, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Yang
“Creating Glover: An Autonomous Greenhouse”
13. Noah Fields, *MON, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Schniepp
“Coconut Composites: The Future of Sustainable Building Materials”
14. Jacob Philip Filon, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Frey
“Design and Deployment of a UAV Mounted Autonomous Water Sampling Payload”
15. Lillian Helena Finegold-Sachs, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Vahala
“Simulating Electromagnetic Scattering to Solve Maxwell’s Equations”
16. Gherson Djorkaeff Gonzales Hernandez, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Armstrong
“Cosmic Ray Testing of Pion Cherenkov Detectors”
17. Sarah Marie Hawkins, HONORS, *MON, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Nelson
“Inclusive Double Differential Muon Neutrino CC Cross Section on the Various Nuclear Targets in MINERvA”
18. Michael Tristan Hurst, HONORS, *PBK, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Armstrong
“Pion Detection for the MOLLER Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Experiment”
19. Tyler McLean Hutchison, HONORS, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Yang
“STARS: Scope Temperature Auto-Regulation System”
20. Philip Max Ignatoff, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Nelson
“Automated Cryogenic Resistor System”
21. Diego Alexander Jimenez, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Mordijck
“Continuous Transport Coefficients in Density Simulation”
22. Ubaid Kazianga, HONORS, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Qazilbash
“Design of an Apparatus for Strain Tuning of Materials”
23. Cory Burruss Martin, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Nelson
“Automated Resistor/Varistor Testing System for DUNE”
24. Henry Tanner Merchant, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Mikhailov
“Intelligent Compressed Sensing”
25. Kate Lee Meredith, *MON, BS-PHYS;EPAD/PSYC
Advisor: Nelson
“Automated Resistor/Varistor Testing System for DUNE”
26. Nicholas Joseph Monteferrante, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Manos
“Pulsed Ion Implantation to Form Conversion Coatings”
Advisor: Erlich
“Black Hole Entropy in AdS/CFT and the Schwinger-Keldysh Formalism”
28. Salvatore Guenther Yonan Rego, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Aubin
“A Microwave Analog of a Quantum Double Well Potential”
29. Ethan Everett Reid, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Manos
“Pulsed Ion Implantation to Form Conversion Coatings”
30. Payton Elizabeth Reidy, BS-GEOL/PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Yang
“Creating Glover: An Autonomous Greenhouse”
31. Jonathan Edward Rivera, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Vahle
“Calibrating the NOvA Experiment's Test Beam Slicer”
32. Benjamin Nicholas Sanders, HONORS, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Schniepp
“Coconut Composites: The Future of Sustainable Building Materials”
33. Jose Luis Santaolalla Delgado, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Erlich
“The Cosmological Effects of Quantum Stochastic Mechanics on the Early Universe”
Advisor: Yang
“The Development of an AI Video Laryngoscope”
35. Jordan Monique Shields, HONORS, Omicron Delta Kappa, *PBK, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Aubin
“Materials Characterization for Microwave Atom Chip Development”
36. Bjorn Baird Shockey, BS-PHYS
Advisors: Sher and Levine
“The Impact of Enhanced Human Presence and Activities on the Total Mass and Chemical Composition of the Thin Lunar Atmosphere During the Artemis Program”
37. Lillian Hope Stephens, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Erlich
“The Approach to Quantum Equilibrium in Stochastic Quantum Mechanics”
38. Catherine Elizabeth Sturner, HONORS, *PBK, *MON, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Aubin
“Development of a 780 nm External Cavity Diode Laser for Rubidium Spectroscopy”
39. Marcia Ann Suria, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Novikova
“The Use of Machine Learning for High Accuracy Magneto-Optical Polarization Rotation Measurement”
40. Avi Kahn Urbach, HONORS, *PBK, *MON, BS-CSCI/PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Yang
“The Development of an AI Video Laryngoscope”
41. Lauren Vannell, HONORS, BS-PHYS
Advisor: Averett
“Spatial Variability of Alkali-metal Polarization”
42. Yiduo Wang, BS-PHYS/CSCI
Advisor: Orginos
“Quantum Edge Detection Based Handwritten Recognition: Theory and Experiment”
43. Abigail Ella Wolcott, *MON, BS-PHYS;EPAD
Advisor: Schniepp
“Coconut Composites: The Future of Sustainable Building Materials”