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Just what can you do with your physics major?

One of the appealing quality of physics degree is its versatility that leads to the diversity of successful career paths. Typical physics graduate has skills that are in high demand in diverse sectors, including education, engineering, defense, the public sector, healthcare, computing and finances.

Not surprisingly, our physics students pursue a number of exciting careers after graduation.  Some of them choose to receive advance degrees in physics, engineering or other sciences, some decided to use their skills in industry or education. Below are some of the places a degree in physics from William & Mary can take you. For more details, explore the Outcomes Database - a compilation of senior survey results.

Many of our students decide to apply to PhD programs in Physics in many top universities
  • Boston University
  • Brown University
  • California Institute of Technology
  • Cornell University
  • Duke
  • Harvard
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • MIT
  • Penn State University
  • Stanford University
  • State University of NY Stony Brook
  • UNC Chapel Hill
  • University of Arizona
  • University of California, Davis
  • University of California, Santa Cruz
  • University of Colorado Boulder
  • University of Illinois, Chicago
  • University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • University of New Hampshire
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • University of Texas
  • University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • UVA
  • Vanderbilt University
  • Virginia Tech
  • Wake Forrest University
  • Yale
A large fraction of our students continues their education toward advance degrees in other areas of science and technology
  • PhD program in Biophysics and Structural Biology, University of Rochester
  • Graduate program in Sensor Fusion and Robotics, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth
  • PhD in Mathematics, University of Cambridge
  • Graduate program in Law, University of Michigan
  • Automotive Engineering, Clemson University
  • Medical School, Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk
  • PhD program in Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley
  • PhD program in Applied Math, University of Maryland
  • Law School, University of North Carolina
  • Masters program in Architecture, Virginia Tech
  • United States Navy Officer Candidate School, Nuclear Submarines
  • Masters program in Accounting, College of William and Mary
  • Patent Law, George Mason University
  • PhD program in Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • PhD program in Applied Science, College of William and Mary
  • French Culinary Institute in New York City
  • Seminary, Catholic Diocese of Richmond
  • Pharmacy School, Hampton, VA
  • Electrical Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz
  • MD/PhD Bioinformatics, George Mason University
  • PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Cincinnati
And some are entering the workforce in various capacities 
  • Radar Scientist, NIITEK Inc, Northern Virginia
  • Naval Research Lab
  • Actuary,  GEICO Insurance
  • Programmer/Engineer, E-OIR Measurements, Inc.
  • Economic Consulting, Federal Government
  • Working in the Middle East
  • Business Analyst, Capital One, Richmond, VA.
  • Teaching high school physics
  • Peace Corps