Enrico Rossi
Professor of Physics
Small Hall 153
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Ph.D, University of Texas, Austin 2005
Research Interest: Condensed Matter Theory
Refereed Papers Published
- J. Zhang, C. Triola, E. Rossi
“Proximity effect in graphene-topological insulator heterostructures”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 096802 (2014). - C. Triola, E. Rossi, A. V. Balatsky
“Effect of a spin-active interface on proximity-induced superconductivity in topological insulators”
Phys. Rev. B. 89, 165309 (2014) - M. Rodriguez-Vega, J. Fischer, S. Das Sarma, E. Rossi
“Ground state of graphene heterostructures in the presence of random charged impurities”
Phys. Rev. B 90, 035406 (2014). - E. Radue, L. Wang, S.Kittiwatanakul, J. Lu, S.A. Wolf, E. Rossi, R.A. Lukaszew, I. Novikova
“Substrate-induced microstructure effects on the dynamics of the photo-induced Metal-insulator transition in VO2 thin films”
Journal of Optics 17, 025503 (2015).