Charles Perdrisat
Professor of Physics, Emeritus
Small Hall 337
Research Interests
Experimental nuclear and particle physics
License es Sciences, University of Geneva, 1956 Doctorate es Sciences, Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, 1961
Refereed Papers Published
1) Measurement of the 12C(e,e'p)11B Reaction at High Missing Momentum,
Monaghan, Peter; Shneor, ….Perdrisat, Charles; ….arXiv:1301.7027, Physics G (IOP) (2014).
2) The Proton Form Factor Ratio Measurements at Jefferson Lab, Punjabi, Vina and Perdrisat, Charles F. EPJ Web Conf. 66, 06019 (2014).
3) Measurement of analyzing power for the reaction at polarized proton momentum of 7.5 GeV/c, Balandin, V.P. et al., Phys. Part. Nucl. 45, 330-332 (2014).
4) The three form factors recoil polarization experiments at Jefferson Lab, C.F. Perdrisat, Proceedings of the XVth Advanced Research Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DSPIN2013), p. 285 (2014).
5) “Separated Response Function Ratios in Exclusive, Forward π± Electroproduction”, G.M. Huber,…C.F.Perdrisat…, et al., Phys.Rev. C91 (2015) 015202