Ice Cream Social
Kinesiology Major's Club Ice Cream Social on 4/22/2022 in front of Adair Hall.
Karen Gibson
Ice Cream Social
Serving Kinesiology Majors ice cream.
Karen Gibson
Ice Cream Social
Majors and faculty enjoying ice cream in front of Adair Hall.
Karen Gibson
Ice Cream Social
Enjoying nice weather and ice cream.
Karen Gibson
Ice Cream Social
View from Adair Hall stairs of the Kinesiology Major's Club Ice Cream Social.
Chris Wilson
Ice Cream Social
Start of the Ice Cream Social hosted by the Kinesiology Majors Club.
Chris Wilson
by Ashleigh Queen
April 27, 2022
On April 22, 2022 The Kinesiology Majors Club and the Department of Kinesiology sponsored an ice cream social in the shaded area in front of Adair Hall. All Kinesiology majors, Public Health minors, and students enrolled in Kinesiology courses were invited to come and enjoy ice cream at the end of the day. There was a variety of flavors and toppings to ensure that everyone could have a treat exactly to their liking. The turnout to this event was great, with many students coming by to meet with friends and meet others in the department. Several faculty members were also at the event to chat with students about the semester and their plans for the summer and beyond. A good time was had by all and another ice cream social will be held sometime in the fall for another opportunity to meet and chat with others in the department!