In Memoriam: Alastair Connell, MD
It is with deep sadness that the Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences reports the recent passing of Dr. Alastair Connell. For many years, Dr. Connell served as the department’s Clinical Professor while teaching its very popular course Introduction to Clinical Practice (KINE 380). As evident from personal communications and end of semester teaching evaluations, Dr. Connell touched his students in a meaningful way and made a lasting, positive impression upon them. He treated each of his students in the same personal, caring way that he did with his patients during his many years of medical practice. Perhaps Dr. Connell’s most enduring quality, however, was his overarching modesty. Few of us knew of his truly impressive career including his service as a clinician, Professor of Medicine, Dean of the University of Nebraska’s College of Medicine, Vice-President of Health Sciences at VCU, as well as serving as Assistant Inspector General of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Few had more to brag about, but Dr. Connell’s humble nature pre-empted any trace of self-importance and conceit. In short, Dr. Alastair Connell was an outstanding physician, teacher, and advisor, but was an even more outstanding and decent human being. He will be sorely missed.
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