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The Center for Geospatial Analysis Hosts Conservation International

Conservation International Flier Information on the Guest Lecture

On Tuesday April 14th at 6pm the Center for Geospatial Analysis (CGA) is hosting a guest lecture in the Ford Room of Swem. Timothy Wright and Alex Zvoleff of Conservation International will discuss their work as it relates to remote sensing, land use and cover change, climate change and conservation. Additional time will be given to discuss their experiences as young professionals in Washington DC. Below is a description of their talk.

The Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) Network is a global system monitoring biodiversity, land use and cover change, and climate in seventeen tropical forest monitoring sites. This talk will describe the TEAM Network approach, and report on initial findings of trends in tropical land use and cover change and biodiversity change as revealed from analyses of TEAM data. The talk will also discuss several areas where potential exists for future research and collaboration using these open datasets.

Contact [[aaymond]] with any questions.