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Biology Department Graduation - 2014
Biology Department Graduation - 2014 Group photo! See anyone you recognize? Randy Chambers
Chairs at Biology Department Graduation - 2014
Chairs at Biology Department Graduation - 2014 Over 170 Biology Majors graduated in 2014! Randy Chambers
Alexis Bennett and Merideth Looney WM' 14
Alexis Bennett and Merideth Looney WM' 14 Alexis Bennett '14 and Merideth Looney '14 at graduation Randy Chambers
Anya Voloshin, WM '14
Anya Voloshin, WM '14 Anya Voloshin, WM '14 and family members after graduation Randy Chambers
Christina Moore accepts the Charlotte Mangum award
Christina Moore accepts the Charlotte Mangum award Christina Moore accepts the Charlotte Mangum award Randy Chambers
Humrah Nasir WM '14
Humrah Nasir WM '14 Humrah Nasir WM '14 and family members after graduation Randy Chambers
Kaya Patel WM '14
Kaya Patel WM '14 Kaya Patel WM '14 and family members after graduation Randy Chambers
Keli Doe WM '14
Keli Doe WM '14 Keli Doe WM '14 poses on the sunken garden after graduation Randy Chambers
Veronica Gray WM '14 accepts first annual Biology Leadership award
Veronica Gray WM '14 accepts first annual Biology Leadership award Veronica Gray WM '14 accepts first annual Biology Leadership award Randy Chambers
Liz Allison, Biology Chair, led 2014's Biology Graduation ceremony
Liz Allison, Biology Chair, led 2014's Biology Graduation ceremony Liz Allison, Biology Chair, led 2014's Biology Graduation ceremony Randy Chambers
Meghan Dahsen WM '14
Meghan Dahsen WM '14 Meghan Dahsen WM '14 Randy Chambers
Taylor Gladey WM '14
Taylor Gladey WM '14 Taylor Gladey WM '14 on the Sunken Garden after graduating Randy Chambers
Biology Department Graduation - 2014
Biology Department Graduation - 2014 It was a beautiful day on the Sunken Garden for the Biology Deparment graduation ceremony Randy Chambers
Biology Department Graduation - 2014
Biology Department Graduation - 2014 Posing for photos on the sunken garden after the Biology graduation ceremony Randy Chambers
Biology Department Graduation - 2014
Biology Department Graduation - 2014 Before the Biology graduation ceremony, under the tent Randy Chambers
Biology Department Graduation - 2014
Biology Department Graduation - 2014 Waiting to receive diplomas during the Biology graduation ceremony Randy Chambers
Biology Department Graduation - 2014
Biology Department Graduation - 2014 Biology Graduation ceremony Randy Chambers

Graduation day has come and gone for the Class of 2014. Over 170 biology students and their raucous support teams of family and friends filled the big tent to full capacity in the center of the Sunken Garden on Mother’s Day, 11 May. The graduates included biology majors plus Neuroscience and other interdisciplinary science majors who chose to march with biology. The 170 students (see entire list) also represented a 20 percent increase in the number of graduates from years past. Biology continues to be one of the most popular majors on campus!

MC for the department graduation event was Dr. Liz Allison, who has been department chair since 2009 but will be stepping down this summer. After welcoming the graduates and guests, Dr. Allison urged students to look ahead to their next horizons, where (quoting Edward Abbey) “something strange and more beautiful and more full of wonder than your deepest dreams waits for you.” And if that poem proved too deep for our giddy graduates, she also offered up a simple Suess-ian rhyme for the all the great places our graduates will go.

Christina Moore won the Charlotte Preston Mangum Prize for Outstanding Research in Biology.  Pictured here with Drs. Cristol and BradleyFollowing these opening remarks, special awards were handed out to the top students in the department in academics, scholarship, and leadership. The Alumni Prize for Ecology & Organismal Biology went to Jessica Benson (research with Dr. Swaddle); the Alumni Prize for Cell & Molecular Biology went to Ashley Fidler (research with Dr. Wawersik). The Excellence in Neuroscience Award was given to Wendy Herbst (research with Dr. Saha). The Charlotte Preston Mangum Prize for Outstanding Research in Biology was co-awarded to Christina Moore (research with Drs. Bradley and Cristol) and to Ashley Fidler (research with Dr. Wawersik). Finally, the Biology Department Leadership Award went to Veronica Gray (research and teaching mentors Drs. Saha and Forsyth).

All graduating students then were invited alphabetically by name onstage—a feat completed flawlessly and without rehearsal –and handed a diploma by the faculty member of their choosing. Of course, many of the graduates chose Dr. Allison for the diploma hand-off; one student (Daston Sarmadi) was so caught up in the moment that he hugged her and spun her around the stage. Although many called for a re-enactment, the department chair refused, much to the disappointment of faculty and students.

After handing out diplomas from A-Z, the faculty gave our graduates a well-deserved standing ovation to acknowledge their hard work, their accomplishments, and their day in the sun. Dr. Allison brought an end to the program formalities by saying “class dismissed—you may go!”, but in fact no one wanted to leave. The next hour was filled with impromptu pictures, hugs, and laughter as the biology graduates shared their last moments on campus with four years’ worth of friends and faculty in the biology department.

Biology majors prepare for graduation under the tent in the sunken garden

So we toast our 2014 graduates in Biology, and voice our congratulations: Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!