Prof. Zhou Awarded NSF Grant
NSF has awarded an ECCS-IHCS grant on Multi-Scale QoS for Body Sensor Networks to Professor Gang Zhou. This 3-year project is in collaboration with both the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia.
The objective of this research is to address some of the key quality of service (QoS) issues related to wireless body sensor networks (BSNs) in order to make them practical and efficacious for continuous, non-invasive monitoring of individuals in a variety of healthcare applications. The approach is to develop new system modeling and analysis techniques for design-time optimization and run-time management of application fidelity, network latency and throughput, and energy. The key to the success of this project is the multi-scale approach to QoS, enabling designers to explore how techniques at each system level impact the other levels. This work will be validated and improved upon based on experimentation with physical BSN systems deployed in real BSN applications.