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Dan Cristol to talk about mercury in birds on With Good Reason

Birds and spiders...oh my
Birds and spiders...oh my Animal behaviorist, Dan Cristol, will discuss how the water pollutant mercury finds its way to America's birds.

William and Mary Professor Dan Cristol will be featured next week on the radio show With Good Reason.  The interview will be aired on public radio channels in Virginia beginning Saturday, Oct. 17 and will be re-aired through Oct. 22.   Broadcast times are posted online.  

The show’s theme is "Remarkable trees – and birds – of Virginia." Cristol, a professor of biology, will talk about how mercury pollution in waterways is not only bad for fish-eating birds, but for songbirds as well, who are absorbing the toxin through the spiders they eat.

On the faculty since 1996, Cristol’s research focuses on animal behavior, behavioral ecology, ornithology and ecotoxicology. He writes a monthly column on birds that appears in Williamsburg's  Virginia Gazette.

With Good Reason may also be heard via podcast. Subscribe to the podcast.