Serghi Interviewed by Opera Today
Professor Sophia Serghi recently gave an extensive interview in Opera Today. Serghi discusses her life in Cyprus, Oregon, and New York City and the different aspects of her composing process through-out her life. She also discusses her education and what it was like to study with her main teachers as well as her approach to composing among other varied topics.
On her teaching at William and Mary she says, "I teach at the College of William and Mary, and have been doing that for the last twelve years. It was my first job after Columbia, and the influence of my students and what they bring into the classroom on my work has been tremendous. It’s what keeps my music young and fresh. I listen to music that I would not hear otherwise because they bring it into the classroom. I keep up with popular music, with weird stuff that they listen to. Yesterday a student brought in the most unique tango for his assignment, and I was floored. You can never underestimate a sophomore with a great imagination. I came out of the classroom thrilled. What great potential. I love to see how they develop over four years as musicians. That’s a big part of who I am as well."
The piece is featured on the Opera Today website, click here for the full interview.