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Peer Mentorship Program

First-year students can be paired with an upperclassman Monroe Scholar to discuss topics like adjusting to college, campus involvement, research, and choosing courses.

Meet Your Mentor/Mentee Trivia Night, Fall 2023New students beginning college can greatly benefit from having a more experienced student guiding them through their first year.

During the summer, freshmen entering the Monroe Scholars Program will have the option of completing a mentorship intake survey, where they will provide information about themselves like major of interest and hobbies. They will then be matched with an upperclassman in the program who has volunteered to be a mentor and completed mentor training. Closer to the start of the fall semester, mentors and mentees will be sent an email informing them of the match and how to get in touch with each other. 

Mentors and mentees will have the opportunity to meet in person at a fun kick-off event near the beginning of the fall semester. Mentors will then be responsible for setting up monthly meetings with their mentee for the rest of the academic year. Mentors and mentees will be provided with sample prompts and questions to get the conversation started. Meeting milestones will be tracked using the OneNetwork platform.