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Study Abroad Transfer Credit Procedures

Before You Go: Pre-Approval

The Programs in Chinese Studies, Italian Studies, Japanese Studies, and Russian Studies do not process pre-approval requests; however, you should still reach out to the specific program in advance to discuss the courses you plan to take abroad.

Read carefully all of the information concerning study abroad prepared by the Global Education Office (GEO) at the Reves Center for International Studies. It is available on the Reves Center's website. After selecting a program, please submit the following information for review:

  1. A current (unofficial) W&M transcript of classes you have taken so far. Highlight your major and the credits you have already received in the language/culture that you are about to study.
  2. Syllabi and course descriptions of the courses you intend to take abroad and want to transfer as Modern Languages credit (including any prerequisites), in PDF. If you have information from said courses from a course catalog or pamphlet, please attach that information as a PDF. MLL will need to see, among other things, the number of contact hours for each course in order to give pre-approval.
  3. This table filled in with the appropriate information.

Submit in a single email ALL requested documents CLEARLY labeled to [[mllstudyabroad]]. In the subject of your email, please provide the following: LAST NAME, First Name - Type of Approval (Post or Pre) and Program (ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GRMN, HISP, ITAL, JAPN, or RUSN). i.e., ROWE, Katherine - Post approval - FREN

Students should allow a minimum of three weeks for processing. After this period, a DocuSign form will be generated by the Modern Languages Department and submitted to Global Education Office at the Reves Center for final completion.   
Post-Approval: What you need to do while you're there

Keep syllabi, reading lists, handouts, all major graded assignments (quizzes, tests, exams, papers, etc.) notebooks, and textbooks, and bring these back with you. Credit will be assigned based on the information these materials provide.

Post-Approval: After you're back

For courses that were not pre-approved, please email the following information to [[mllstudyabroad]] for review:

  1. A current (unofficial) W&M transcript of classes you have taken so far, in PDF. Highlight your major and the credits you have already received in the language/culture that you studied abroad.
  2. Syllabi and course descriptions of every course you took and want to transfer as Modern Languages credit, as well as all your major graded assignments (quizzes, tests, exams, papers, etc.), in PDF. If MLL needs more information, we may ask you to submit other materials (reading lists, handouts, notebooks, textbook, etc.).
  3. This table filled in with the appropriate information.

Submit in a single email ALL requested documents CLEARLY labeled to [[mllstudyabroad]]. In the subject of your email, please provide the following: LAST NAME, First Name - Type of Approval (Post or Pre) and Program (ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GRMN, HISP, ITAL, JAPN, or RUSN). i.e., ROWE, Katherine - Post approval - FREN

Students should allow a minimum of three weeks for processing. After this period, a DocuSign form will be generated by the Modern Languages Department and submitted to Global Education Office at the Reves Center for final completion.    

Please Note:
  • To be awarded transfer credit, you must earn a C or better; and have the appropriate DocuSign approved and generated by MLL.
  • In some cases, a course cannot be pre-approved because of a lack of details, such as the number of contact hours or specific course content. In those cases, the faculty member may decide to grant transfer credit only as post-approval. Then you will need to keep your exams and papers to submit for post-approval.

  • If a course taken abroad does not match the content of an equivalent W&M course, you may be given "elective credit." That is a decision that the designated faculty member will make after reviewing the course content.

  • If your transcript shows you have already earned credits (via coursework at W&M or elsewhere, or via pre-matriculation exams) for a course that is equivalent to the one you want to take abroad, you will not receive transfer credits for said course.

  • In some study abroad programs, you will be required to take a placement test after you arrive. In such cases, the designated faculty member may decide to wait until your return to award credit (post-approval rather than pre-approval). Alternatively, you may provide syllabi and course descriptions of a few courses that you may likely end up taking depending on your on-site placement. Note, however, that you will not receive transfer credits for courses equivalent to those that already appear in your transcript.

  • After going abroad, if you want to continue taking courses at W&M in the target language, you may be asked to take an exam to test your proficiency in order to register for higher-level courses. This is to ensure that you gained the necessary skills to continue.

If you have any further questions, contact your advisor or the program director of the specific program for which you are seeking study abroad transfer credits.