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Six students to be commissioned as U.S. Army officers

Army officers
Army officers The five students pictured here will be commissioned as active-duty Army officers on Saturday: (left to right) Adam Grover, Andrew Rampp, Sheila Wilson, Harrison Mann and Erin Brady. Cyrus Askin (not pictured) , who received the Army’s Health Professions Scholarship, will be commissioned as a reserve officer. Courtesy photos

Six William & Mary students will be commissioned as U.S. Army officers this weekend, the day before they graduate from the College.

Maj. Gen. Walter L. DavisThe students will be commissioned during a ceremony held at noon on May 14 in the Sadler Center’s Commonwealth Auditorium. William & Mary alumnus Maj. Gen. Walter L. Davis ’79, deputy director of Army Capabilities Integration Center at Fort Monroe, will provide the commissioning address. William & Mary President Taylor Reveley will also provide remarks at the event.

Erin Brady ’09, M.Ed. ’11; Adam Grover ’11; Harrison Mann ‘11, Andrew Rampp ‘11; and Sheila Wilson ‘11 will be commissioned as active duty officers. Cyrus Askin ‘11, who received the Army’s Health Professions Scholarship, will be commissioned as a reserve officer.

Lt. Col. Barbara Streater, chair of William and Mary’s Department of Military Science, said that the students have worked hard to prepare themselves for commissioning and service in the U.S. Army.

“They have trained and prepared themselves both mentally and physically and have demonstrated beyond any doubt their worthiness to hold our sacred trust,” she said.

The commissioning is open to the public, and a reception will follow.