George Greenia
Professor Emeritus of Hispanic Studies
Mailing Address:
636 Counselors Way, Williamsburg, VA 23185-4059 USA
Areas of Specialization
The languages, literatures and cultural history of Medieval Iberia from the 6th century through the 15th, Pilgrimage Studies, medieval book culture and the archeology of the manuscript book, manuscript illuminations, and linguistics.Background
George D. Greenia retired in 2016 after 34 years at the College of William & Mary, continues to serve in multiple units. He has published widely on the Spanish Middle Ages, its literature, language, art and social history. For fourteen years he was Editor (now Editor at Large) of the journal La corónica, devoted to medieval Iberia. He is Co-Editor of a two-volume encyclopedia on Castilian Writers, 1200-1500. In 2007 Greenia was named Editor of the Year by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals. In the field of Spanish language teaching, Greenia is the author of the textbook Generaciones. Composición y conversación en español. In 2017 Greenia elected Honorary Fellow of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP).
His courses included Pilgrimage in Spain; Love & Prostitution in Medieval Spain; Spanish Language, Epic & Nationalism; Medieval Pilgrimage; Hispanic Folktales; The Medieval Book; and a summer Apprenticeship in Archival Skills for Medieval and Renaissance Studies taught at St. John’s University in Minnesota. Since summer 2005 he has guided William & Mary undergraduates and friends in retracing the legendary routes of the Camino de Santiago across northern Iberia.
Greenia served for ten years as Director of William & Mary’s Program in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. In 2011 he founded the William & Mary Institute for Pilgrimage Studies and in 2015 the Institute created faculty research fellowships named in his honor.
Three times Greenia has been honored by the William & Mary Office of Residence Life with the Crystal Apple Award for Outstanding Faculty Service to the Community. In 2006 the William & Mary Gay and Lesbian Alumni/ae Association presented Greenia with the Founders’ Cup for Outstanding Lifetime Service to the Gay and Lesbian members of the College of William & Mary Community. For the same work, in 2018 he received a Joint Resolution of Commendation by the Senate and House of Delegates of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
For his promotion of Spanish culture in the United States, in 2007 Greenia was knighted by order of King Juan Carlos I of Spain and granted the Encomienda de la Orden de Isabel la Católica. Sir George Greenia is a co-founding member of the International Fraternity of the Camino de Santiago, headquartered in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and inducted by cathedral officials as a member of the Archconfraternity of the Apostle St. James. In 2010 the Concejo de la Enxebre Orden de la Vieira, a confraternity of Galicians in the diaspora who support the Camino de Santiago, named him an “Ángel del Camino”. In 2016 Greenia was presented a Lifetime Achievement Award from American Pilgrims on the Camino for playing a “significant role … in building the pilgrim community within the United States”.
In 2009 Greenia was elected to the national Senate of the Phi Beta Kappa Society and served six years on the Society’s Executive Committee. In 2015 Phi Beta Kappa honored him with the President’s Award and Judith F. Krug Medal “given in recognition of truly outstanding and extraordinary service to Phi Beta Kappa as a national organization”. Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest and largest undergraduate honorary society in America, was founded in 1776 at William & Mary, home to the Alpha Chapter of the Society. Greenia serves as the Chapter's corresponding Secretary.
In 2019 Greenia was the recipient of the international Compostela Prize, a reward granted annually by the Compostela Group of Universities to one person or institution that has stood out due to work in favour of the diffusion of international projects or ideas, dealing specially with the promotion of the European common ideal, the education and the preservation of cultural heritage.
George Greenia CV
Download complete current CV (pdf).
Recent Publications
Greenia, George; Xosé M. Sánchez Sánchez. “The Rattle of Time and Travel: The Acoustics of Medieval Pilgrimage.” [«El traqueteo del tiempo y el viaje. Aspectos acústicos de la peregrinación medieval»] Ad limina: Revista de Investigación del Camino de Santiago y las Peregrinaciones 12 (2021): 205-239.
“David Martin Gitlitz (1943-2020).” Ad limina: Revista de Investigación del Camino de Santiago y las Peregrinaciones 12 (2021): 297-309.
“Le Camino de Santiago dans le contexte des pèlerinages mondiaux” [“Private Pilgrimage, Public Ritual” / “The Camino de Santiago Among Global Pilgrim Practices”]. Pèlerinage, marche pèlerine et marche de longue durée au Québec. Sous la direction de Michel O’Neill, Éric Laliberté. Québec: Université Laval, 2021. 21-41.
“Santiago de Compostela.” Medieval Travel Writing: A Global History. Ed. Sebastian Sobecki. Cambridge UP, 2023. [forthcoming]
“La resonancia del Camino de Santiago en la imaginación norteamericana.” Actas del XI Congreso Internacional de Asociaciones Jacobeas. Antequera, octubre de 2017. Málaga: Diputación, 2021. [forthcoming]
“Peregrinos Americanos en Pausa.” Libredón, Revista da Asociación de Amigos Galegos do Camiño de Santiago 34 (2020): 26-28.
“Foreword” to Rebekah Scott, Furnace Full of God. Moratinos, Palencia, Spain & Apollo, Pennsylvania: Peaceable Publishing, 2019. Vii-ix.
“Literacy, Sanctity and Stumbling to Santiago.” CSJ Bulletin. The Confraternity of St. James Quarterly 146 (June 2019): 5-10.
“Linda Kay Davidson (1946-2017).” Ad limina: Revista de Investigación del Camino de Santiago y las Peregrinaciones 10 (2019): 203-210. Republished in La corónica1 (2019): 7-17.
“Bartered Bodies: Medieval Pilgrims and the Tissue of Faith.” The Pilgrim Body: An Anatomy of Intentional Movement. Eds. Matthew Anderson & Sara Terreault. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage1 (2019): 38-51.
“What is Pilgrimage?” International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 6.2 (2018). Available at
George Greenia, Eileen Quin Moore, Ian McIntosh, Robert Nickerson, Eds. “Introduction to Special Issue of What is Pilgrimage.” International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage2 (2018). Available at
“Pilgrimage and the Economy of Salvation.” Pilgrim Libraries: books & reading on the medieval routes to Rome & Jerusalem (2017-07-24). On-line.
“Travelers’ Texts: pilgrims and their textual accessories.” Pilgrim Libraries: books & reading on the medieval routes to Rome & Jerusalem (2017-05-19). On-line.
“Pilgrims as readers & writers: some reflections.” Pilgrim Libraries: books & reading on the medieval routes to Rome & Jerusalem (2017-01-27). On-line.
“Faith and Footpaths: Pilgrimage in Medieval Iberia.” The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies. Eds. Javier Muñoz‑Basols, Laura Lonsdale, Manuel Delgado. Oxford, UK: Routledge, 2017. eISBN 978-1-315-70989-5. 16-26.
“The Medieval Pilgrim’s Body: Rhythm, Risk, and Spiritual Transaction.” The Pilgrim Body: An Anatomy of Intentional Movement. Eds. Matthew Anderson & Sara Terreault. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2018. [forthcoming]
George Greenia and Jacob H. Rooksby. “Digital Cocoons and the Raw Abroad.” Inside Higher Ed (April 15, 2016). Web.
“The Lakota Future Generation Ride of the Lakota Sioux”. Pilgrimage in Practice: Narration, Reclamation and Healing. Eds. Ian S. McIntosh, E. Moore Quinn and Vivienne Keely. Wallingford, Oxfordshire: CABI, 2018. 137-47.
“Santiago de Compostela.” Regeneration: A Literary History of Europe, 1348-1418. Ed. David Wallace. 2 vols. Oxford University Press, 2016. Vol. 2: 94-101.
“Foreword”. The Camino de Santiago in the 21st Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Global Views. Eds. Samuel Sánchez y Sánchez and Annie Hesp. Oxford, UK: Routledge, 2015. ix-xi.