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Applied Mathematics Concentration

Mathematics and its applications have always been intertwined. Geometry developed in support of the great civil engineering projects of Egypt and Greece. At least since the time of Newton, physical science and mathematics developed in tandem. Other disciplines have become increasingly mathematical. To a large degree, economics and finance are now the study of specialized mathematical models. The social sciences use game theory, probability, and statistics as the organizing tools for much of their research. Modern industry uses the insights of operations research to achieve prosperous levels of efficiency. Modern biology uses differential equations to study population growth, predator-prey interactions, and the inner workings of cells. These applications, coupled with remarkable advances in computing, have created whole new fields of mathematics.

The requirements for the applied mathematics concentration allow for a great deal of flexibility and may include coursework in classical applied mathematics and modeling, operations research, statistics, and computational mathematics.  Students are encouraged to discuss course options with their advisor.

The majority of the coursework for this concentration is within the mathematics department. For those looking for a major that includes cross-disciplinary electives in biology, applied science, computer science, and/or economics, you may consider the Computational & Applied Mathematics & Statistics (CAMS) major instead.

Catalog requirement for the Applied Mathematics Concentration