2017-18 colloquium
- Septmebr 1: Jason Hindes (Navel Research Lab) Noise and Delay-Induced Pattern Disruption in Complex Networks
- Septmber 8: Dan Cranston (Virginia Commonwealth University) Edge-coloring Graphs and Multigraphs
- Septmber 29: Jeannette Song (Duke University) Modeling Payment Timing in Multiechelon Inventory Systems with Applications to Supply Chain Coordination
- October 6: Martin Rolek (Willliam & Mary) Partial results related to Hadwiger's conjecture and the double-critical graph conjecture
- October 13: Alexandr Kostochka (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) On disjoint and longest cycles in graphs
- October 20: Mike Pozulp (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Introduction to Monte Carlo
- October 27: Maxym Derevyagin (The University of Mississippi) On linear pencils of Jacobi matrices and Nevanlinna-Pick problems
- November 3: Laura Storch (William & Mary) Chaos in ecology: An examination of nonlinear population dynamics in diffusive and advective dispersal environments
- Novermber 10: Zhisheng Shuai (University of Central Florida) Modeling infectious diseases: global dynamics for disease endemicity and elimination
- Novermber 17: Sarah Loeb (William & Mary) Fractional Separation Dimension
- December 1: Yixiang Wu (Vanderbilt University) On spatial epidemic models and their applications
- December 8: Tomas Vyskocil (Rutgers University) Lower Bounds for Quantum Circuits
Spring 2018
- February 2: Craig Larson (Virginia Commonwealth University) The Graph Brain Project
- February 9: Kevin Milans (West Virginia University) First-Fit chain partitions in partially ordered sets
- February 23: Phil Warrick (former ExxonMobil Operations Research Executive) A Mis-Spent Career? 39 Years Practicing Optimization
- March 2: Thomas Barthelm (Queen's University) Anosov flow in higher dimensions
- March 16: Donato Cianci (University of Michigan) Large gaps for Steklov eigenvalues under boundary constraints
- March 23: Scott McKinley (Tulane University) Anomalous Diffusion and Random Encounters in Biological Fluids
- March 23: Jared Lichtman (Dartmouth College) The reciprocal sum of primitive nondeficient numbers
- March 30: Ruth Luo (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Uniform hypergraphs without long cycles are sparse
- April 6: Xiaoqiang Xue (Quintiles) Optimal Design of experiments with the observation censoring driven by random enrollment of study subjects
- April 13: Yu Jin (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Persistence measures for populations in river environments
- April 27: Martin Lariviere (Northwestern University) Coverage, coarseness and classification: Determinants of social efficiency in priority queues