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Student Awards

Chiang is awarded the Lord Botetourt Medal (2003)Goldwater Fellowship
  • Patrick Rault (2002)  
  • Paul A. Smith (2004)   
  • Christina Casares (2006)
  • Evan Saltzman (2006)
  • Ashwin Rastogi (2007)
  • James Janopaul-Naylor (2013)
  • John Marken (2015)
  • Andrew D. Halleran (2015)
  • Melissa Guidry (2016)
  • Hana Warner (2019)
  • Grace Solini (2019)
Lord Botetourt Medal
  • Hanley Chiang (2003) 
  • Ashwin Rastogi (2008)
  • Stephen Cameron (2014)
Thomas Jefferson prize in Natural Philosophy

  • Jennifer Johnson (1998)
  • Hanley Chiang (2002) 
  • Paul Smith (2006)
  • Kendra Letchworth (2007)
  • Ashwin Rastogi (2008)
  • Harry Gao (2011)
  • Ari Cukierman (2012)
  • Stephen Cameron (2014)
  • Andrew D. Halleran (2016)
  • Likhitha Kolla (2018)
  • Jacopo Gliozzi (2019)
  • Grace Solini (2020)
  • Wenxuan (Olivia) Ding (2021)
  • Yuxin Qin (2023)
Chappell Fellowship
  • Patrick Steele (2009)
  • Paul A. Smith (2003)
Luther T. Conner Prize

Awarded in memory of Professor Lutzer T. Conner, an exceptional teacher and respected colleague who served the College from 1964 to 1988. The award is given to a mathematics concentrator who displays both a contagious enthusiasm for mathematics and an attitude of respect and concern for others.

  • Janet Offermann 1989
  • Kathryn Caggiano 1990
  • Christos Xenophontos 1991
  • Rosemary Berger 1992
  • Allison Powell 1993
  • Karen McDade 1994
  • Karen Hersey 1995
  • Patty Dupuis 1996
  • Edward Findler 1997
  • Aimee Cmar 1998
  • Natalie Cmar 1998
  • Megan Dameron 1999
  • Christopher Sieffert 2000
  • M. Kathleen DeLaney 2001
  • Viva Miller 2002
  • Matthew Schu 2003
  • Natalie Yip 2004
  • Christopher Healey 2005
  • Kristina Little 2006
  • Katherine Paige Benedetto 2007
  • Elizabeth Carole Wilson 2008
  • Kassie Archer 2009
  • Virginia Forstall 2010
  • Olivia Walch 2011
  • Guan Wang 2012
  • Allison Oldham 2013
  • Catherine King 2014
  • James Bieron 2015
  • William Bench 2016
  • Dalton Ruggieri 2017
  • Corey Santana Afton 2018
  • Gabrielle Tauscheck 2019
  • John Riddell 2020
  • Samantha Phillips 2021
  • Sage Stanish 2022
  • Paul Conrad Anderson 2023 and Cameron Curtis 2023
  • Gwendolyn Sargent 2024
William and Mary Prize in Mathematics

The award is given to an outstanding senior mathematics concentrator who displays academic achivement and an unusally strong dedication to the study of mathematics. 

  • Evan R. Zweifel 1988
  • Marc Masters 1989
  • William Atkinson 1990
  • Jonathan Rubin 1991
  • Edward Overton 1992
  • Peter DeMallie 1993
  • David Finberg 1994
  • Katherine Masyn 1995
  • Jennifer Vezza 1996
  • Ingrid Nelson 1997
  • Tara Eng 1998
  • Cynthia Bowers 1999
  • Robert Feinglass 2000
  • Brian Lins 2001
  • William Funk 2002
  • Patrick Rault 2003
  • Suzanne Robertson 2003
  • Kevin Armstrong 2004
  • Ian Grooms 2005
  • David Rose 2006 and Paul Smith 2006
  • Abraham D. Isgur 2007 and Hakan A. Seyalioglu 2007
  • Ashwin Rastogi 2008
  • Sean Ian Clark 2009
  • Austin Powell 2010 and Aaron Herman 2010
  • Dian Yang 2011
  • Luis Valentin 2012
  • Keith Webb 2013
  • Stephen Cameron 2014 and Joseph Corliss 2014
  • William Bergan 2015
  • Jack Prothero 2016
  • Gregory Taylor 2017 and Michael Kopreski 2017
  • Xin Zou 2018
  • David Allen 2019
  • Kexin Feng 2020
  • Ethan Shelburne 2021
  • Rongbiao Wang 2022
  • Ryan Mitchell Pesak 2023
  • Yinuo Chen 2024 and Xingyu Wang 2024
Cissy Patterson Prize

This award has been made possible by a generous gift from the Cissy Patterson Trust. Recipients of this award are senior mathematics concentrators whose performance in mathematics courses places them among our very best students.

  • Hanley Chiang 2003
  • Frank Curtis 2003
  • Matthew Duggan 2003
  • Matthew Klinger 2003
  • Michael Levy 2003
  • Robert McGregor 2003
  • Jessica Otis 2003
  • Elizabeth Day 2004
  • Tara Flint 2004
  • Young He Lee 2004
  • Michael Witt 2004
  • Emily Altadonna 2005
  • Kristina Hofmann 2005
  • John Hott 2005
  • Melanie Vejdani 2005
  • Dimitar Vlassarev 2005
  • Francis Ditraglia 2006
  • Steven Butera 2006
  • Lauren Elizabeth Childers 2007
  • Kendra Leigh Letchworth 2007
  • Elizabeth Ann McDaniel 2007
  • Carolyn Jean Offutt 2007
  • Ryan Christopher Vaughn 2007
  • Amanda Guthrie 2008
  • Andrew Hughes 2008
  • Lauren Merril 2008
  • Evan Saltzman 2008
  • Christiaan Kroesen 2009
  • Andrew Leister 2009
  • Charles Liarakos 2009
  • Carolyn Troha 2009
  • Elizabeth Truelove 2009
  • Niha Zubair 2009
  • Caitlin Thomas 2010
  • Daniel Villarreal 2010
  • Meredith Wachs 2010
  • Yuanyuan Liu 2010
  • Peyton Rose 2011
  • Patrick Steele 2011
  • Vincent Yannello 2011
  • Julia Zamecnik 2011
  • Sihan Wu 2012
  • Brian Walchman 2012
  • Johnathon Upperman 2012
  • Amy Filipek 2012
  • Hanrui Yang 2013
  • Stephanie Argodale 2013
  • Jonathon Fischer 2013
  • Jiaqi Zong 2014
  • Deborah Wood 2014
  • James Janopaul-Haylor 2014
  • Claire Bobst 2015
  • Allyson Mateja 2015
  • Catherine Mahoney 2015
  • Robert Torrence 2015
  • Benjamin Weaver 2015
  • Samuel Girdzis 2016
  • Collin Jones 2016
  • Shaolong Lin 2016
  • Timothy Nixon 2016
  • Chaoran Wei 2016
  • Yangyang Zhou 2016
  • Evan Dienstman 2017
  • Ciera Street 2017
  • Nathan Owen 2017
  • Jake Buchanan 2017
  • Tanner Carawan 2018
  • Katherine Danstrom 2018
  • Yiyang Liu 2018
  • Kyle Wagner 2018
  • Yanxin Xu 2018
  • Bowen Zhang 2018
  • Samuel H. Chang 2019
  • Jacopo Gliozzi 2019
  • Alexander S. Michel 2019
  • Charlie A. Strausser 2019
  • Tianrui Zhu 2019
  • Hanmi Zou 2019
  • Junda An 2020
  • Connor Chapin 2020
  • Wenyang Pan 2020
  • Peter Psathas 2020
  • Killian Reddy 2020
  • Shuting Teng 2020
  • Jingheng Wang 2020
  • Xinhao Li 2021
  • Alison Reynolds 2021
  • Spencer Schrandt 2021
  • Abigail Van Essendelft 2021
  • Xinzhi Zhang 2021
  • Boyang Li 2022

  • Wei Wang 2022

  • Yunhong Bao 2022

  • Grace Smith 2022

  • Yuqiao Li 2022

  • Merielyn Sher 2022

  • Jude Joseph Bedessem 2023
  • Benjamin Clark Bowles 2023
  • Allison Jewell Introne 2023
  • Jiakun Li 2023
  • Zhuorong Mao 2023
  • Luke Antonio Mrini 2023
  • Logan Bryce Wolf 2023
  • Sarah Rose Brownstein 2024
  • Christopher Joseph Kuebler 2024
  • Junwan Liu 2024
  • David Mead 2024
  • Leo Murphy 2024

Leiba Rodman Award

Awarded in memory of Professor Leiba Rodman, an exceptional teacher and respected colleague who served the College from 1987 to 2015. Recipients of this award are mathematics concentrators who have contributed to the field of mathematics by writing an exceptional mathematics honors thesis and by conducting outstanding research.

  • Owen Hill 2015
  • Morrison Turnansky 2016
  • Haoge Chang 2017
  • Elena Amparo 2018
  • Xinyu Zhang 2019
  • Madellyne Waugh 2020
  • Wenxuan Ding 2021
  • Nathaniel Healy 2022
  • Yuxin Qin 2023
  • Andrew Joseph Pendleton 2024
Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Scholarship of the American Mathematical Society
Truman Scholars by the Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation
Biomath Scholarship
  • Ruoyan Sun (2010)
  • Yuanyuan Liu (2009)
Charles Center US Research Scholarship
  • Matt Peppe (2009)
NASA research fellowship
  • Michael Essman (2009)
Virginia Space Grant Consortium Fellowship
  • Jennifer Thorne (2010)