5th Annual Rio de la Plata Seminar
Friday, Feb 21st, 2014
Tucker Hall 127AM
11:00am - Keynote Lecture: "The Clockmaker's Long Goodbye: Self Invention in the Era of Revolutionary Politics" Lyman Johnson, University of North Carolina - Charlotte.
Workshop Session 1 - Blair Hall - History Department Library
Comments: Fabricio Prado - The College of William and Mary
1:00pm - "The merchants of Colonia do Sacramento and the slave trade to Rio de la Plata (1732-1777)" - Fabio Kuhn, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
1:45pm - "The Slave Trade in the South Atlantic in the Age of Revolutions (1778-1808)" - Denise A Soares de Moura, Universidade Estadual Paulista
2:30pm - "La frontera del Paraguay en el siglo XVIII: Relaciones y disputas entre Curuguaty e Ygatimi" - Herib Caballero Campos, Universidad Nacional de Asunción
3:15pm - Coffee Break
3:30pm - "On the Fringes of Empire: Indios Fronterizos, Bandeirantes, and Indian Soldiers in Colonial Paraguay" - Shawn Michael Austin, The University of New Mexico
4:15 - "Yerba Maté: A Research Proposal" - Julia Sarreal, Arizona State University
Evening Lecture - Blair Hall 205
5:00pm - "Atlantic History and the Slave Trade to Spanish America" Alex Borucki, University of California Irvine
Saturday, Feb 22nd, 2014
Workshop Session 2 - Blair Hall History Department Library
Comments: Prof. Erika Edwards, UNC - Charlotte
9:00am "Nurturing the Nation: Normal Schools and the Feminization of Teaching in Nineteenth-Century Boston and Buenos Aires" - Carolina Zumaglini, Florida International University
9:45am "Indigenous Peoples of the Chaco and the Confirmation of Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay, 1830-1931" - Erick Langer, Georgetown University
10:30am Coffee Break
10:45am "Buenos Aires Bohème: Argentina and the Transatlantic Bohemian Renaissance, 1890–1910"- Brian Bockelman, Ripon College
11:30am "Nicolás Herrera and the Language of Patriotism Within Empires" - Álvaro Caso Bello, Johns Hopkins University.
12:15pm "Planas, or samples of elementary school students’ handwriting in early modern Uruguay, 1830s" - Juan Viacava, Emory University
**Sponsored by: the Tyler Department of History, The Latin American Studies Program, The Reves Center, The Charles Center, Arts and Sciences**
For further information contact Prof. Fabricio Prado (fpprado@wm.edu)