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Caylin Carbonell


Advisor: Karin Wulf
Current Research: Early America; Women, Gender, and Sexuality; Slavery and Unfree Labor


Caylin Carbonell completed her PhD in 2020. Her work focuses on gender, race, and social hierarchies in early America. Her dissertation, "Fraught Labor, Fragile Authority: Households in Motion in Early New England" centers the Native, African, and Anglo-American dependents who lived and labored across early New England households. By focusing on the micro-scale of human interactions, her dissertation demonstrates how marginalized women and men were agents, their everyday decisions and actions shaping the economies of which they were a part. Prior to her doctoral work, Caylin graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Bates College in 2012 and went on to receive her Master of Arts degree from William & Mary in 2015.