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Resources for TAs and TFs

Resources for Teaching Assistants and Teaching Fellows in Arts & Sciences
Graduate Teaching Handbook and Resources Online

TAs and TFs should become familiar with the Graduate Teaching Handbook and online resources created by students, for students. This handbook contains helpful information to  prepare grad students to step into the classroom as an instructor for the first time, or for the hundredth time. It offers practical advice about teaching relevant for TAs and TFs.

Training for TAs and TFs

Before serving as a teaching assistant (TA) or teaching fellow (TF) for the first time, all A&S graduate students are required to participate in TA/TF training offered by their graduate program. These training sessions cover the policies found in the Graduate Student Handbook that impact graduate students working directly with undergraduates in a classroom or lab setting, including the consensual amorous relationship policy, FERPA, Title IX reporting obligations, filing Care Reports, and fielding honor code violations. These sessions also help prepare students to be successful teachers and mentors in the classroom with discipline-specific advice about classroom management and pedagogy.

Teaching Workshops

Graduate students are welcome to attend any of the workshops offered on campus for faculty. Watch for announcements about upcoming workshops in the weekly Graduate A&S Newsletter (emailed Mondays) from our partners on campus, including:

Participate in the Graduate Teaching Project

The Graduate Teaching Project (GTP) is offered as a zero credit, free course for grad students in Arts & Sciences. It is offered once each year and is particularly helpful for students preparing to teach their own course or looking to improve their teaching effectiveness. If you are interested in participating in the GTP, contact Sarah Glosson, Director of the A&S Graduate Center.