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Government Majors Dan Maliniak and Ryan Powers Publish Lead Article in International Organization

Congratulations go out to our former students, and current PhD students, Daniel Maliniak (UC-San Diego) and Ryan Powers (University of Wisconsin) on the publication of their lead article in International Organization, the top journal in the field.  Maliniak and Powers conducted their analysis using data from the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) project at William & Mary, a project on which each of them worked when they were undergraduates.  The publication highlights the kind of collaboration between faculty and students that we so highly value at William & Mary, and particularly in the Government Department.  The abstract from Dan and Ryan's article follows.

This article investigates the extent to which citation and publication patterns differ between men and women in the international relations (IR) literature. Using data from the Teaching, Research, and International Policy project on peer-reviewed publications between 1980 and 2006, we show that women are systematically cited less than men after controlling for a large number of variables including year of publication, venue of publication, substantive focus, theoretical perspective, methodology, tenure status, and institutional affiliation. These results are robust to a variety of modeling choices. We then turn to network analysis to investigate the extent to which the gender of an article's author affects that article's relative centrality in the network of citations between papers in our sample. Articles authored by women are systematically less central than articles authored by men, all else equal. This is likely because (1) women tend to cite themselves less than men, and (2) men (who make up a disproportionate share of IR scholars) tend to cite men more than women. This is the first study in political science to reveal significant gender differences in citation patterns and is especially meaningful because citation counts are increasingly used as a key measure of research's quality and impact.

Daniel Maliniak, Ryan Powers and Barbara F. Walter. The Gender Citation Gap in International Relations. International Organization, available on CJO2013. doi:10.1017/S0020818313000209.