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Susan M. Peterson

Professor Emeritus-Adjunct Lecturer

Office: Chancellors
Links: [[smpete, Email]] and {{, Webpage}}
Office Hours: By appointment
Research Interests: International Relations; International Security; Comparative Foreign Policy; Global Health


Sue Peterson received her B.A. from St. Lawrence University and her Ph.D. from Columbia University.  She teaches courses on international security and U.S. foreign policy.  In 2020, she co-authored Bridging the Theory-Practice Divide in International Relations with fellow government faculty. She is a Principal Investigator on the Teaching, Research, and International Policy (TRIP) Project, the author of Crisis Bargaining and the State: The Domestic Politics of International Conflict (Michigan, 1996), and the co-editor of Altered States: Domestic Politics, International Relations, and Institutional Change (Lexington, 2002).  She has published articles in International Studies Quarterly, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, Security Studies, Foreign Policy, International Studies Perspectives, International Journal, Politics & Gender, and several edited volumes. From 2003 to 2006, she was editor of Security Studies, and she served from 2006 to 2018 on the editorial board of that journal. She has served as Director of the International Relations Program and the Co-Director of the Global Research Institute.  She also served as Dean for Educational Policy (2005–2007) and Dean of Undergraduate Studies (2007–2011) in Arts and Sciences.  Recently, she completed a term as Chair of the Department of Government (2020-2023).

International Security (GOVT 329)
U.S. Foreign Policy (GOVT 324)
International Relations and Film (GOVT 390, 391)
Introduction to International Politics (GOVT 204)
The Domestic Politics of International Relations (GOVT 491)