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SSRL Deferral

Title: SSRL Deferral
Created: 2016
Updated: 2018
Updated: 2019
Updated: 2023

Faculty may defer their SSRLs up to the year before the next scheduled SSRL.  Deferred SSRLs do not alter the faculty member’s SSRL rotation, however, unless there are unusual circumstances.   

The decision to defer an SSRL must be made in consultation with the Chair and the Dean’s office.  Program Directors upon whom the SSRL has an impact should also be consulted.  No SSRL may be deferred past the date of the next scheduled SSRL.   

Faculty who take a deferred SSRL the last year before the next scheduled SSRL may combine the deferred leave with the following SSRL by taking two in a row in the same academic year (fall, spring) for a year’s leave at 100% or take the SSRLs in sequence for two full years’ leave at 80% a year.