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Flexible Merit

Title: Flexible Merit
Created: 2014
Updated: 2024

Since 2014 it has been possible for tenured faculty to request, in advance, an alternative allocation of merit points for a specific year. In August, chairs and program directors should identify any faculty member in their department or program who wishes to request such an allocation for the following calendar year.   

Chairs and program directors should consult their department’s or program’s personnel policies or handbook for the specific policy of that unit, but should remember that tenured faculty may weight teaching more heavily than the typical 6-6-3 ratio in annual merit only so long as they agree to increased teaching responsibilities during the 9-month academic calendar. (Faculty may not reduce their teaching below the level that is the norm for their departments without Dean approval.) On a 15-point scale, the number of points allotted to teaching should not rise above 9 or go below 5.   

In addition to merit flexibility for teaching for tenured faculty, research and service can also be flexible. The number of points allotted to research should not rise above 7 or go below 3. The number of points allotted to service should not rise above 5 or go below 3. For faculty to increase their service score, they must take on a significant leadership role in governance (during the Spring or Fall of the review year.)  

Chairs and program directors should communicate the names of the faculty in their department or program who wish to have an alternative allocation of merit points to their Vice Dean annually by the end of August. Communicating these names implies that the chair or director endorses the proposal and confirms that it has been approved by any relevant committees in the department or program, according to the procedure outlined in that unit’s personnel policies or handbook.  

All requests for flexible merit must be approved by the relevant Vice Dean(s).