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A&S Faculty Award for Governance: Criteria

  1. In order to honor faculty members in Arts & Sciences who devote special efforts to helping their colleagues through committee membership and other service in departments, programs, Arts & Sciences and College committees, the Dean will make two $3,000 awards each year.
  2. Nominations will be due each Fall in the Dean’s Office.
  3. The Dean will request nominations from members of the A&S Nominations and Elections Committee, FAC members and department chairs and program directors.  Chairs and directors may develop procedures within their units to submit nominations to the Dean.
  4. Nominations will consist of a single letter of nomination and the nominee’s CV in electronic format.  Under normal circumstances, the nominees will not be informed of the nomination.
  5. In addition to service to departments and/or programs, nominees will have had extensive and meritorious service on such committees or positions as FAC, Retention, Promotion and Tenure, Study Abroad, Faculty Assembly, EPC, COGS, Institutional Compliance, DAC Co-Chairs, and Arts & Sciences and College committees, including search committees.
  6. Past awardees will serve on the selection advisory committee, chaired by a member of the Committee on Faculty Awards, Professorships, and Prizes (CFAPP), who will make a recommendation to the Dean. The final decision rests with the Dean of Arts & Sciences.
  7. Two awards will be made annually. Each award carries a $3,000 one-time payment.
  8. Typically, one award will be made for a faculty member with no more than ten years’ service and one for a faculty member with more than ten years’ service.
  9. The names of the awardees will be posted on a plaque in the Dean’s Office.
  10.  Recognition will be given at a faculty meeting.
  11. Appropriate endowment of these awards will be sought.