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Index to the Minutes

This index reflects voting activity that took place during FAS meetings.

Indexed through September 2023.


Academic Intervention, 04/06/99
Activity Credits, 12/03/02
Add/Drop: Period, 11/01/88

  • Policy, 11/03/87
  • see also Course Withdrawal

Administrative Faculty:, representation on Faculty Assembly, 11/03/98
Admissions, Athletic Students, 11/03/92
Africana Studies, 04/07/09; African Studies, 03/03/98; Black Studies, proposal for, 02/04/97
Alternates for Elected Committees, 11/07/89
American Studies, concentration in, 03/12/90, 02/06/90

  • Ph.D. program, 03/11/86


  • Minor in Native Studies: 04/05/16
  • Ph.D. program, 03/04/97

Applied Science, 05/02/95; Ph.D. program proposal, 03/01/88
Archibald, Robert, as Interim Dean, 05/06/97
Area/Sequence Requirements, 03/11/86
Asian and Pacific Islander American Studies: concentration in Global Studies major, 05/07/19; minor, 05/03/16
Assessing Students Experiences and Outcomes, 03/14/95; EPC resolution on, 04/04/89
Athletic: Fees, 05/03/94, 11/02/04;


Ballots, incomplete, 10/06/98
Black Studies, see Africana Studies
Bledsoe, Jerry, Resolution to Thank Generosity of, 02/07/06
"Blow Out," see Last Day of Classes
Board of Faculty Compensation, 12/05/95
Board of Visitors, vote of no confidence, 02/28/08
Braithwaite Lecture, Minnie G., 09/03/96
Budget Reduction, FAC Motion on, 03/12/91
Business Concentration, 10/03/95
Bylaws of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 11/05/96

  • Amended, 11/09/2021, 04/07/20, 03/12/19, 11/05/13, 12/11/07, 05/03/05

Classical Studies: Post-baccalaureate Certificate, 10/02/12
College Scholars and GER Requirements, 03/02/04
COLL Curriculum:

  • COLL 100: 11/04/14, 09/02/14, 09/05/2017
    • Class size: 12/02/14
  • COLL 150: 09/02/14
  • COLL 199 (cf. COLL 350), 04/03/18
    • Inclusion and Common Ground (ICG), Resolution for the requirement 10/03/17
    • Ad Hoc Implementation Committee draft report, 04/02/19
  • COLL 200: 12/03/19, 03/03/15, 09/02/14  
  • COLL 300: 03/02/22, 03/02/21, 10/06/15, 10/7/14 
  • COLL 350 (cf. COLL 199), adopted 12/03/19
  • Additional Domain Credits, adjusted 12/03/19

Committee on Degrees, election to, 04/09/2024
Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, election to, 04/09/2024
Community Studies Minor, 05/05/09
Computational and Applied Mathematics and Statistics

  • major and minor approved, 09/02/14

Computer Science

  • Professional Master's program, 04/02/19
  • Data and Computer Science Graduate Certificate, 03/01/22

Computing, Data Science, and Applied Science Initiative, 05/02/23
Conduct of Classes, in Faculty Manual, 04/07/98
Conley, Kate, Dean of Arts & Sciences, 09/04/13
Continuance Standards: 04/14/98

  • Graduation, 05/06/86
  • Mid-semester reporting, 04/07/98
  • Probation requirements, 05/02/95
  • Summer school, 05/04/99
  • For Freshmen and Sophomores, 04/06/99

Cottrell, Karen, Associate Provost for Admission and Enrollment, 04/05/05
Course Credits, converting 3 to 4, 03/01/94
Course Evaluations:

  • Electronic, 03/13/12, 12/02/03, 11/04/03, 09/02/03
  • Non-anonymous, 10/06/98
  • Numerical, 12/02/03
  • Modifying Faculty Manual on, 04/06/99, 05/05/98
  • Review of before final grades, 03/01/88
  • Course load study, 02/12/02, 03/04/89
  • Wording and scale, 03/12/13

Course Withdrawal: EPC on, 05/05/87; in Faculty Manual, 04/07/98
Courses, Inactive, 10/04/94
Courses, Pass/Fail: 04/05/16
Credits: Hours:

  • de-linking credit hours and contact hours: 04/05/16
  • From 124 to 122, 02/04/91
  • Minimum in Concentration Earned in Residence, 10/05/93

Data Science:

  • B.S. degree, 02/15/19;
  • Department of (failed) 04-13-2022
  • Graduate Certificate of Data and Computer Science, 03/01/22
  • minor, 05/02/17

Dean's List, Reinstatement of, 11/03/87
Digital Information Literacy: Pilot Program, 04/02/02; Proficiency, 04/06/04
Disability Leave Policy, 11/03/98
Disability Plan, 12/05/95
Distance-Learning Courses, 05/03/05
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Committee on, created 04/7/20
Donaldson, Scott, Resolution to Thank Generosity of, 02/07/06
Doverspike, Lynn, Resolution on, 04/04/95
Drug Test for Student Athletes, 12/02/86


Education Policy Committee, Involvement in Policy, 02/02/88
Elected Committees, Electronic Voting for, 05/04/04
Electronic Course Evaluations, see Course Evaluations
Electronic Voting, 04/02/96, 03/12/96
Emeritus Status and Retirement, 04/07/92
End of Semester, 12/05/2017
Enrollment, 02/02/88
Evaluation of Students, in Faculty Manual, 05/05/98
Evans, Frank, Resolution Regarding, 02/05/01

  • Consecutive, 11/03/87
  • Make-up, 11/03/87
  • Re-scheduling policy, 12/02/08
  • Schedule, in Faculty Manual, 11/04/97

External Paid Employment, Policy on, 12/05/95


Faculty Affairs Committee: Quorum, 02/05/91; Report of, 10/18/94
Faculty Assembly:

  • Constitution, amendment of, 11/14/2023, 04/02/19, 02/01/05, 12/07/99
  • Convening of, 12/06/88
  • Creation of, 04/27/88
  • Election to, 11/04/14, 09/27/88
  • Executive Committee, Paid Compensation for, 03/12/91

Faculty Handbook, adoption of, 10/01/96
Faculty Hearing Committee, election to, 02/07/89, 04/09/2024
Faculty Manual, A&S:

  • Grade reporting requirements, 012/11/07
  • Graduate Student Grading and Grievance Procedures, 02/02/99
  • Revisions to, 03/12/19, 02/05/19, 11/04/97
  • Section on handling student complaints, 10/04/05, 09/06/05

Faculty Research Awards: 05/02/00; Junior, 05/04/93
FASS Constitution, modification, 10/05/99
Film and Media Studies Program, creation of, 04/02/13
Final Examinations:

  • Faculty Manual, 11/04/97, 10/07/97
  • Rescheduling of, 11/04/86
  • Student scheduling of, 12/02/03, 11/04/03

Foreign Language Requirement, 03/03/15
Freshman Seminar, 03/01/94, 04/07/92,

  • GER Credit, 12/04/01
  • Required, 03/02/04;
  • Writing Credit, 05/02/00, 02/01/94

Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, 02/05/13
General Fee, Motion to Itemize all Fees within, 11/02/04
GER: 03/14/95, 04/05/94, 04/15/93,

  • Assessment, 05/06/08, 05/06/97, 04/05/94
  • Compliance, Motion on Assessing of, 11/01/05
  • Fulfillment and Course Equivalency, 04/05/94
  • Pilot Assessment of, 05/07/96
  • Questionnaire, 10/01/96

GER 1, EPC Proposed Changes to, 11/04/03, 04/05/94
GER 2, EPC Proposed Changes to, 04/06/04, 03/02/04, 04/05/94
GER 3, EPC Proposed Changes to, 04/01/08, 11/04/03, 04/05/94
GER 4: 02/06/96, 04/05/94, 04/15/93; Study-Abroad Course, 05/03/05
GER 5, EPC Proposed Changes to, 12/02/03, 11/04/03, 04/05/94

  • Study-Abroad Course, 05/03/05

GER 6, 02/06/96, 04/05/94
GER 7, 04/05/94
GER Requirements: College Scholars, 03/02/04; pass/fail, 02/06/96
German Studies, 05/02/00
Global Studies, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies concentration, 02/01/11
Global Studies, Russian and Post-Soviet Studies (RPSS) Name Change, 02/06/24

  • compensation for, 03/03/92
  • shared governance 02/06/2018

Grade Review Procedures:

  • Amending, 02/02/09, 05/04/99
  • In Faculty Manual, 05/06/97
  • FAC Proposed Changes to, 03/01/02


  • In Faculty Manual, 05/06/97;
  • Plus/Minus System, 05/03/88, 04/05/88

Graduate Budget, COGS Involvement, 03/01/02

  • Reporting of, 12/02/86, 12/06/05;

Graduate Course Credit, 05/05/98
Graduate Programs, and EPC, 10/18/94

  • Guidelines, Task Force on, 05/07/02

Graduate Stipends, 03/01/02
Graduate Studies, Committee on:

  • Revision of Faculty Manual, 05/04/99, 03/02/99 , 02/02/99
  • Regulations on, 05/05/87

Graduation, Q.P.A., 05/06/86
Grievance Procedures, 03/01/88


Honor Council, in Faculty Manual, 10/06/98
Honors and Interdisciplinary Studies, Center for, 10/07/86, 03/11/86, 11/05/85
Honors and Interdisciplinary Studies, Committee of, 02/01/2022


Information Policy Security Statement, 03/03
Integrative Conservation

  • concentration in Interdisciplinary Studies, 03/01/2022
  • minor, 04/13/21

International Relations and International Studies, Proposed Concentration in, 02/06/90
International Studies Advisory Committee;

  • Bylaws for, 05/03/11, 09/03, 02/02/2016
  • New constitution for, 05/03

Internships, Changes to the Catalog Regarding, 03/13/01
Italian Studies, 05/02/00


Japanese Studies, major, 04/03/2018
Joint Appointments Policy, 02/01/2022, 02/02/2021,10/06/20, 05/02/00


Kinesiology and Health Sciences:

  • B.A. degree phased out, B.S. degree name change, 10/06/20
  • Curriculum revised, 05/07/19
  • Name change, 04/02/19, 05/05/09
  • Requirement, 11/02/93

Last Day of Classes, student behavior on, 04/05/05
Latin Honors, 03/12/91; awarded to graduating class, 12/04/90
Law Faculty Raise, 02/02/93
Library, see Swem Library
Linguistics, B.A. degree, 12/04/18
Long Range Planning Commission, Report of, 02/04/86


Major: Declaring at End of Sophomore Year, 03/02/04

  • Computing Requirement: elimination of requirement, 12/09/13

Marine Science major, 04/09/2024
Marine Science minor, 11/03/09
Merit for Faculty on Leave, 03/05/24
Merit procedures, 02/06/24
Military Science, elective credits, 10/02/07, 02/06/2018; minor, 03/03/20
Minor: minimum credits taken at W&M, 11/01/11
Modern Languages, area credit for, 03/12/90
Music Department, new curriculum, 05/07/96


Non-Tenure Eligible Faculty:

  • Personnel policies, 03/12/13, 02/07/17
  • TE/NTE Working Group report, 05/05/20

Pass-Fail Policy, 12/07/2021

  • Resolution, 11/02/10
  • Deck, Resolution on, 11/05/02

Physical Activity Requirement: 4 Credit, 05/07/91; EPC proposal to eliminate, 12/03/02
Physical Education: Area Credit for, 03/12/90; proposed elimination of proficiency, 11/11/90
Post-Tenure Review, 02/01/05, 03/01/02, 02/04/97, 11/05/96
Pre-Registration, limit number of hours, 03/02/04
Presidential Search: Arts and Sciences Election to, 10/01/91

  • Committee of the Whole Recommendation of Gene Nichol, 03/01/05

President Gene Nichol:

  • Resignation, 02/14/08
  • Resolution of support, 02/06/07

Procedural Review Committee, election to, 02/07/89
Professional Faculty: Representation on Faculty Assembly, 11/03/98
Public Health, revisions to minor, 05/07/19
Public Policy:

  • M.A. program in, 02/06/90
  • 5-year B.A./MPPP proposed program
  • Proposed concentration in, 02/06/90

Psychological Sciences, name change from Psychology Department, 03/14/17


Growth, recommendations concerning, EPC Report, 05/02/89
Retention, Promotion, and Tenure Committee:

  • Chairperson membership on Advisory Committee to, 11/03/87
  • Faculty by-laws regarding, 05/04/04
  • Membership on, 12/04/91
  • Standards for tenure and promotion: 04/05/16

SACS Review, 02/07/06
Salary, resolution on, 02/06/96, 11/07/95
Salary Pool, impact of retirements on, 04/02/96
Sexual Assault, 04/02/91
Sexual Harassment, Graduate Student Survey, 02/03/98
South Africa, Ad Hoc Committee on, 03/11/86
Space Planning Committee Report, 03/14/06
St. Andrews Program:

  • Classical Studies, 05/03/16
  • English program, 04/06/10
  • Film Studies, 05/03/16
  • Governance, 02/02/10
  • Proposal, 10/06/09

Statistical Courses, 05/19/01
Strategic Plan:

  • Committee to update the, 02/01/00, 10/18/94
  • EPC comments on, 10/18/94
  • Grand Challenges, 02/19/09
  • Resolution on, 11/11/08, 10/04/94

Student Athletic Fees, see Athletic Fee
Student Course Evaluations, see Course Evaluations
Student Records, 10/03/95
Study Abroad, Committee By-Laws, 12/05/06, 11/07/06
Study Abroad, Program in Mexico, 12/03/85
Summer School and Continuance Standards, 05/04/99
Swem Library, support of, 02/02/88
Swimsuit Calendar, opposition to, 05/03/88
Syllabuses, online, 12/06/94


Teaching Faculty Framework, 11/01/22, 02/14/23, 04/16/2024
Teaching Assessment, 04/06/99, see also Course Evaluations
Teaching Assistants, Report of Ad Hoc Committee on, 05/06/97
Tennis, Indoor Facility, 04/07/92
Transcripts, 05/02/95
Transfer Credit:

  • Community colleges, 10/04/94
  • Distance-learning courses, 05/03/05
  • For classes taken pass/fail, 12/02/08
  • GER 4 and 5, 05/03/05
  • Minimum grade required for, 05/03/05

Transitional Scheduling Guidelines, 03/01/94


Undergraduate Curriculum (see COLL Curriculum):

  • COLL Curriculum: 12/12/13
  • New Curriculum: 02/06/96, 11/02/94, 02/01/94
  • Implementation, 05/03/94
  • Requirements: 03/01/2016
  • Review, 02/05/13, 04/15/93, 03/04/89

Undergraduate Grade Review Procedures, see Grade Review Procedures
Undergraduate Student Body, size of, 12/01/09
University Governance, see Governance


Writing 101:

  • Exemption exam, 05/04/93
  • Exit exam, 04/07/92
  • Organization of, 11/04/86, 11/05/85

Writing Program, Auxiliary, 11/05/85
Writing Requirement, 05/05/98, 02/01/94, 02/07/89
Writing Resources Center, development of, 10/07/86, 03/11/86, 11/05/85