Submit Proposals to the EPC
Proposals for new courses, course changes, COLL attributes, domain and proficiency courses, curriculum changes, as well as courses that are delinked or include a substantial portion of remote instruction are handled through the Curriculog software program. If you have other business or any questions, please email the EPC chair.
Using Curriculog
Each department/program should have at least one individual trained and authorized to submit proposals in Curriculog – check with your department chair or program director to find out who. That individual will work with you to get the information needed for your proposal.
Every Curriculog submission is automatically routed to the appropriate department chair or program director for approval. Then the proposal goes automatically to EPC. The EPC typically meets between the week before classes start and the first week of final exams. See Proposal Deadlines for more information.
There are various Curriculog applications for various types of proposals. Below is a quick guide to which application to use for which situation. If you do not see your situation covered, contact the EPC chair.
Courses Without COLL Attributes
Use the New or Course Change Application for courses that will not carry any COLL attributes:- Add a new course
- Change the number or title of the course
- Change the wording of the course description
- Change the number of credit hours for the course
- Request a permanent number for a course formerly offered as a topics course
- You can use this application to change any of the above on a course that already has a COLL attribute, but not to request the COLL attribute in the first place.
- Add any domain or proficiency attributes to the course
Courses With COLL Attributes
Use the various College Applications to apply a COLL attribute to:- A new course that is intended to satisfy these requirements
- An existing course to which you want to satisfy these requirements
- A new topic for a variable topics course that is intended to satisfy these requirements
There are separate applications for each of the COLL attributes (COLL 100, COLL 150, COLL 200, COLL 300, COLL 350, COLL 400). This linked Box folder contains guides for each of the COLL Curriculog forms. Please note that this link is only accessible with a W&M CAS login.
Note that if a course satisfies more than one COLL attribute (apart from two domain designations) a separate application is required for each attribute.
Curriculum Changes
Use the Curriculum Change Application for any requested changes that involve issues broader than an individual course. Some examples:- A change to major or minor requirements
- The addition of new concentrations within a major
- Change the name of a major or a program
- Create a new major or minor or interdisciplinary program
- Request a change to COLL and other general education requirements
- Bundles of course changes such as changes to course numbering systems, course title changes, combinations of the bulleted points above, etc.
Additional Important Information:
Cross-Listed Courses: If any of the above applies to one or more courses that are cross-listed between departments or programs, proposers must use the Cross-Listings tab in Curriculog so that the proposal is routed through the proper department/program channels prior to EPC review. To expedite proposals, please ensure this step has been completed.
Credit Hour Policy Compliance: Within Arts & Sciences, the EPC is responsible for monitoring credit hours in undergraduate courses. When departments or programs propose to offer courses where the number of contact hours does not equal the number of credits that students receive, they must gain approval from EPC. According to W&M’s Academic Credit Hour Policy, one credit hour is “an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement” that approximates one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks. Thus, each credit hour should consist of approximately 45 hours combined of classroom and out of class student work. A three-credit course must engage students for a total of 135 hours. For courses that meet for substantially less than the standard term (e.g., winter or spring break courses), proposals must include information on how the course meets the Credit Hour Policy. COLL 100/150 courses are standing exceptions and do not require delinking information. Please see the "Rules for Credit Hour Compliance" section for more information.
Alternative Modalities: For courses that are designed to replace 10% or more in-person contact hours with alternative modalities (online courses, hybrid courses, and other non-face-to-face deliveries), the EPC requires justification and rationale for these modalities, student feedback mechanism, and how the course meets the Credit Hour Policy. Provide this information in the Credit Hour Policy section of each Curriculog form.