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College (COLL) Curriculum

In December 2013 the faculty adopted a new set of general education requirements, known as the College (COLL) Curriculum:

In December 2019 the faculty approved revisions to COLL 200 and the Additional Domain Credits and to COLL 350. These revisions will go into effect with the class matriculating in Fall 2021.

In the web pages linked from the left navigation menu, EPC provides additional discussion and elaboration of the various parts of the COLL curriculum.

Fellows in the Center for the Liberal Arts are charged with supporting "a robust liberal arts education through the continual organizing and infusing of content, integration, creativity, and innovation throughout the undergraduate College Curriculum." They are an excellent resource for brainstorming and developing your ideas for new and adapted courses.

Our campus co-educators on the administrative side, especially those who provide academic support to students, also offer faculty invaluable resources for course development.

If you are seeking information about the COLL curriculum and cannot find it among our web pages, please e-mail