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For many, an internship is a part-time job done to gain experience in a potential career. Some internships include structured learning experiences that can earn academic credit.

Internships that earn academic credit have these features:

  • a hands-on experience
  • a project that incorporates the hands-on experience
  • an analytic or research component, and
  • a final, written report.

The amount of credit you earn for an internship can vary depending on the amount of work involved. Normally, three credits are awarded. No more than 6 credits from academic internships can count towards graduation.

In order to earn academic credit, you must work out an agreement between yourself, your employer, and your department before you start work. A professor will supervise your work and determine your grade.

How to get started

  • Find an internship. Internships should last at least one semester or over the summer. See below.
  • Discuss research possibilities with your external supervisor. Explain to them that you wish to earn academic credit while interning.
  • Find a faculty member willing to supervise your work. Core or Affiliated Faculty can serve as an internship supervisor. Propose the internship and related research topic to that person.
  • Once your faculty supervisor and job supervisor agree on the outline of your project, complete the Internship for Academic Credit Form (there are two form options, depending on the number of supervisors). This form must be approved before your internship start date and before the end of add/drop of the semester or summer of your internship.
  • Register for the ENSP 498 or ENSP 499 Internship course. The Director of ENSP can assist in setting up this registration
  • As your internship proceeds, you will work with your faculty supervisor to further develop your research topic.
  • At the end of the semester, you will produce an academic paper on the research topic related to your internship.

Finding an ENSP Internship

A world of career and internship possibilities are available to William & Mary students. To find them, visit the Cohen Career Center. Be sure to spend time really exploring the resources at the center and on the web pages, and ask for help.

In the past, William & Mary students have done excellent internships at local agencies, including:

There are a number of environmental consulting firms locally who are looking for interns:

Other students have worked for national and international agencies, such as:

If you represent an organization who offer internships or have completed an internship you would recommend to others please contact us with your suggestions. Thanks.