CRWR Honors Thesis Proposal
On December 1st of the junior year, all prospective candidates should submit an application to the CRWR Honors Committee (via the CRWR Director) in order to receive final approval to write a thesis and enroll in English 495-496. A student intending to present original poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction, or a screenplay as his or her honors thesis must include, in their proposal, the following items:
A Project Description of 3-5 paragraphs detailing such matters as the project’s general form (as it pertains to the selected genre), subject, and initial scope, and the name of the faculty member who has agreed to serve as advisor;
An Artist Statement of 3-5 paragraphs discussing no less than five important models and influences that have shaped the student’s perspective in relation to the proposed project;
A Writing Sample of 5-7 pages of the student’s creative writing (in the project’s respective genre).
Only students who have demonstrated a high-level of engagement of craft, as evidenced in their proposal, and have successfully taken one introductory and two upper-level CRWR classes will be permitted to engage in this type of honors project.
All elements of the application should be submitted in a single word document (PDF only).
In the fall of the senior year those accepted as candidates will be registered for English 495-496 during the Add/Drop period. During the year, under the general direction of an advisor, the candidate will pursue a systematic program of reading and prepare a thesis.