Students Pursue Honors in English

can talk and talk and talk quite like an English major!” At least
that’s what senior Jenna Morgan feels, and while it’s true that we
English majors talk and read a lot, it’s also true that we write a
great deal. Half the major, it seems, is composed of writing, whether
it's literary criticism, in-class tests, or creative works. Although
all English majors must have a strong love for putting pen to paper
(or, nowadays, fingers to keyboard), a special group of English majors
seem particularly dedicated to this area of the field.
Supervised this year by professors Suzanne Raitt and Deborah Morse, the
English Department’s Honors Program gives about fifteen William and
Mary seniors a year the chance to branch out on their own and explore
topics of their very own choosing. These subjects are undoubtedly
close to the students’ hearts; as stated by Colleen Schneider, “a
passion for the topic is necessary unless you want to be miserable.”
Students receive inspiration for their projects from various sources:
courses they’ve taken, topics they’ve always loved, or a question
they’ve always wanted to answer. Then, they take this one small idea
and make it big.
The students go through an arduous process just to enter the program,
including applying to the Honors Seminar, one semester of said Honors
Seminar (a class which prepares students for the type of research
involved in an honors thesis), constructing a thesis, and then
submitting the thesis for approval. If the Honors Committee accepts a
student’s proposal, the student has officially become part of the
Honors Program.
From there, students have about a year to complete their projects.
They are not alone, however; each student has one (sometimes two)
faculty advisors to aid in the journey. Students and their advisors
meet to discuss the progress of the work, and since the students are
free to set most of their own meetings and deadlines, each student sets
them up in very different ways. Some push themselves to have a certain
number of pages done per week, while others have flexible estimations
of where they would like to be within a certain amount of time.
Students do agree, though, on one aspect of the program: their theses
are always foremost on their minds.
When these interviews were conducted, students in this year’s program
had just barely begun the process, but as Ms. Morgan’s comment shows,
they all had plenty to share about it! The following is a collection
of brief articles inspired by interviews that I carried on, via e-mail,
with some of the students in this diverse—and brave!—group.
Lauren Klapper-Lehman English and Evolution: When Opposites Attract
Lauren Klapper-Lehman found herself so intrigued by her freshman
biological anthropology class that she nearly considered pursuing
Anthropology—not English—as her major. Although she obviously stuck
with the English major, Lauren never forgot her interests in a subject
that some may consider the exact opposite of English. In fact, her
evolutionary interests followed her all the way to her senior year
honors thesis.
“At first,” Lauren admits, “I was unsure of what to write on, since I
was used to simply responding to texts that were covered in class.” In
her search for a topic, though, Lauren began perusing some of these old
responses, hoping something would interest her enough, and she
eventually stumbled upon a paper she wrote concerning the attempt of
de-evolution of women by men within the novel Middlemarch. Re-visiting
this blend of evolution, gender, and English, Lauren had discovered the
perfect topic for her thesis.
She singled out works by authors George Eliot and Elizabeth Gaskell,
and during her initial research, Lauren found “a gap in scholarship—a
lot was written about women's concerns in the work of both novelists
and a good amount was written on evolutionary theory and their work . .
. but little was done to connect the two topics.” The lack of previous
research into her subject only furthered Lauren’s ambition.
Lauren intially chose to write an honors thesis because of her
inability to resist a good challenge. As an English major, she feels
completing this tough task would be the “finishing touch” in attaining
her degree, too. Additionally, Lauren cites her goal of graduate school
as a reason for attempting the honors thesis: not only is the paper
good practice, but it also makes her a more competitive candidate.
She confesses that the thesis does take a lot of time, and it’s
occasionally hard to balance her busy schedule with the paper, so
Lauren pushes herself to keep up with the thesis on a daily basis.
Nevertheless, Lauren can see the positive side of tackling this task:
“It'll be worth it when I have the end product in my hands.”
Sally Masters: The Sally's Progress
Sally Masters' decision to complete an honors thesis stemmed from
Professor Morse's encouragement, as well Sally's general fascination
with literature. From the start, Sally showed immense interest in her
project: "I wanted to get a jump on the project before the school year
started," she explains, after stating that she spent an excess of
two-hundred hours researching for her thesis—during the summer before
it began!
Sally's topic hasn't remained static, but her summertime research
helped her to come to a decision. She always knew she wanted to focus
on the works of John Bunyan, but she had trouble narrowing it down from
there. Eventually, Sally chose to explore his effects on 19th-century
American literature—an area in which she is already familiar.
Since there are two dimensions to her topic, professors Dawson and
Wilson both advise Sally; the former specializes in the 19th-century,
while the latter helps with the Bunyan aspect. Professor Dawson acts as
her "primary advisor," and the two have laid out a flexible schedule of
bi-weekly meetings.
Sally offers a good piece of advice for potential thesis writers: be
careful what classes you take during this time! During the fall, Sally
juggled the thesis with three additional English classes, so she "will
be much more careful" from now on. She also credits her enjoyment of
the thesis to the professors that advise her, noting that their aid is
her "saving grace."
Finally, Sally encourages anyone interested in writing a thesis to
compile a list of ten reasons for wanting to do so—and if you can't
come up with all ten, "don't do it!"
Jenna Morgan: The Creative Writer
When it came time to apply for a spot in the honors program, Jenna
Morgan dreaded having to make the choice between writing a traditional
thesis and a creative project. The idea of the creative writing project
had always been appealing to her (and one factor in her decision to
attend William and Mary), but she still wavered in her final decision.
Eventually, Jenna opted to pursue a creative project, partly because it
would allow her to follow her passion for school credit.
Jenna is already quite accomplished in the realm of fiction writing.
During her time at the College, Jenna has completed two novellas and a
screenplay, and through the Honors Program, she intends to write her
first novel (250-300 pages, she hopes).
Although she is not writing a traditional research paper, Jenna does go
through a similar experience as her peers. She used her time junior
year in the honors seminar to sharpen her writing skills, prepare for
the task of writing a novel, and begin working alongside her advisor,
Professor Eva Burch. Like those students writing a traditional thesis,
Jenna also needed to submit a proposal for a brand new work.
Once her proposal had been approved, Jenna began the arduous research
process for her novel. Since she drew inspiration from various sources,
including her summer abroad in Cadiz, Spain, her experiences as a
Hispanic Studies major, and even art forms such photography and dance,
her topic feels “like one giant, crazy spider web that sometimes seems
representative of everything [she’s] learned in college.” Jenna also
admits that research is both a very sizeable and rewarding part of the
journey, and although she is still greatly involved in this stage of
the game, Jenna has established the heart of her novel: its main
characters, plots, and themes.
Although the project is a test in time management skills, from the way
she speaks of it, Jenna seems to thoroughly enjoy writing. “It also
helps that writing is only half like work,” she explains. “It’s what
I’m passionate about, so it’s fun, and more than likely, what I’d be
doing in my free time, anyway.” She loves having the opportunity to
earn credits doing what she loves best, and she hopes one day to
publish the works she has completed thus far.
Colleen Schneider: The Brontes and the Bible
Senior Colleen Schneider had a lot on her plate long before she decided
to take on an honors thesis. Pursuing an English degree and
participating in the Secondary Education program seemed to give her
little time for writing a thesis. In her junior year, though, some
classes on Victorian literature and an encouraging professor changed
all that.
Although she was hesitant about tackling English, education, and an
honors thesis, one of Colleen’s professors, Deborah Morse, assured her
that this seemingly impossible feat was, in fact, very possible.
Colleen then decided to enroll in the honors seminar during her junior
year to test the waters. After enjoying the honors seminar, Colleen
submitted her thesis proposal to the Honors Committee.
As for her topic, Colleen says she “had had an idea since the previous
December that just wouldn't get out of [her] mind.” During the fall
semester of her junior year, Colleen took a class entitled “Literature
and the Bible” as well as a seminar class focusing on the Bronte
sisters, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne. Colleen quickly became fascinated
with how well the subject matter in these two courses converged,
particularly in terms of Anne Bronte and the Johannine texts of the New
“I was reading the Gospel of John,” explains Colleen, “[and] I was
tremendously struck by the similarities between it and Anne Bronte's
work. The overlap in language and themes seemed to me to be incredibly
significant. I felt that I gained a much greater understanding of what
Anne was trying to accomplish by looking at her work from this angle.”
Then, at the suggestion of professors Deborah Morse and Monica Potkay,
Colleen expanded her topic to encompass all the Bronte sisters and
their relation to The Gospel of John, epistles, and Revelation texts.
Colleen makes sure to write something each week to turn in to her
advisors. She hopes to have completed 20 pages by the end of October,
another 20 pages by the end of December, and then to wrap up the thesis
by January or February. Colleen admits, though, that she’s still trying
to figure out how, exactly, to balance her work. With student teaching
and academic classes, Colleen certainly has a heavy load, but the
thesis statement is always on her mind. “[E]ven when I'm not writing,”
she says, “ideas are swimming around in my head pretty much all the
Kristen Simonsen: The Many Revisions of Shakespeare's Plays
As a Government and English double major geared towards attending law
school, Kristen Simonsen viewed the Honors Program as a unique
experience: she felt she’d never again have the chance to craft a
thesis quite like this one, so she decided to take advantage of this
When it came time to narrow her topic, Kristen found herself interested
in Shakespeare—but she knew this research, in general, was “pretty
overdone.” Kristen then recalled an aside by Professor Wilson in
English Literature of 1744-1798 which sparked Kristen’s thesis topic.
He’d mentioned a take-off on William Shakespeare’s King Lear, and he
then went on to explain that many people during this period actually
took to revising Shakespeare’s works.
With Professor’s Wilson’s comment in mind, Kristen chose to delve into
this type of literature. She wanted not only to explore the revisions
themselves, but also the motivations these authors had for re-writing
Shakespeare. After settling on her topic, Kristen consulted with
Professor Wilson—whom she eventually chose as her advisor for the
thesis—to narrow down a comprehensive group of plays. To keep herself
on-track, Kristen has set a flexible goal of completing ten pages every
two weeks (and, at the end of each two-week period, she meets with
Professor Wilson). Kristen also mentions that, since her thesis-writing
counts for three credits, she does consider it a class, not just a side
project. “It’s sort of a very long class on those days,” she explains.
Then, she adds, “Only with nice breaks and the power to give myself the
day off.”
As advice for those considering writing an honors thesis, Kristen, like
many others, warns of the time and research commitment involved. Also,
Kristen states that the topic chosen needs to be exciting—to the point
where “you find yourself telling your friends about” your research and
Author: Monica Duggan '09