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Tate Philpott '27
New Sharpe internships connect research, communities

Charles Center summer 2024 interns are trailblazers, not only for being the largest cohort to date, but also for pioneering a new program – Sharpe Action Research Internships.

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Catron Scholars ready for summer research, artistic development

This summer, ten undergraduates will scatter across the globe to develop their research and artistic acumen thanks to the Louis E. Catron Grant for Artistic Development, a Charles Center fund honoring Dr. Catron, a beloved professor of theatre at W&M from 1966 to 2002.

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W&M undergraduate researchers take on climate change

As scientists all over the world grapple with the impact of global climate change, biology and environmental science major Olivia Cunningham ’25 and neuroscience major Megan Fleeharty ‘24 are throwing their lab coats in the ring to identify potential solutions to the most pressing environmental concern of our time.

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Sharp Journalism fellows investigate local, global issues

Students in William & Mary’s incubator for investigative reporting — the Sharp Journalism Seminar — shared insights from their research and writing journeys March 26 in the Grimsley Board Room (Blow 201).

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New grant takes undergraduate researchers on the road

More than 20 William & Mary students have received Research in Motion travel grants since the Charles Center launched the program last fall to expand the impact and reach of undergraduate research.