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Affiliated Faculty


Conradi Smith, Gregory
Professor of Applied Science
Office: Integrated Science Center 0275
Email: [[w|gdsmit]]
Areas of Interest: Mathematical Aspects of Cellular Biophysics and Neuroscience
Webpage: {{, Research Website}}

Carrie Dolan

Dolan, Carrie
Assistant Professor of Kinesiology
Office: Adair Hall 112
Email: [[w|cbdolan]]
Areas of Interest: Global Health, International Development, Health Aid
Webpage: {{, Research Lab Website}}

SP Harish

Harish, S.P.
Assistant Professor of Government
Office: Chancellors 357
Email: [[w|spharish]]
Areas of Interest: Comparative Politics, South & Southeast Asia
Webpage: {{, Personal Webpage}}

Paul Kieffaber

Kieffaber, Paul
Associate Professor of Psychological Sciences
Office: Integrated Science Center, Room 1087
Email: [[w|pdkieffaber]]
Areas of Interest: The psychophysiology of attention & cognitive control and the neural basis of cognitive deficits in severe psychopathology. My research aims to (1)develop physiologically informed models of the component cognitive processes invoked by the deployment of task-set and cognitive control and (2)to improve our understanding about the mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction in psychopathology such as schizophrenia.
Webpage: {{ , Personal Webpage}}

Mathhias Leu

Leu, Matthias
Associate Professor of Biology
Office: Integrated Science Center 3267
Email: [[w|mleu]]
Areas of Interest: Applied Conservation and Ecological Research
Webpage: {{, Personal Website }}

Lewis, Michael
Chair and Associate Professor of Computer Science
Office: McGlothlin-Street Hall 329
Email: [[w|rmlewi]]
Areas of Interest: Nonlinear optimization, optimization in engineering and scientific applications, molecular conformation
Webpage: {{, Personal Website }}


Lockwood, Rowan
Professor of Geology
Office: McGlothlin-Street Hall 226
Email: [[w|rxlock]]
Areas of Interest: How extinction and environmental change influence the evolution and ecology of fossil marine invertebrates
Webpage: {{, Geology Department Directory Page }}


Losh, Elizabeth
Duane A. & Virginia S. Dittman Professor of English & American Studies
Office: Samuel E. Jones House 8A
Email: [[w|emlosh]]
Areas of Interest: Rhetoric; Digital Publishing; Feminism & Technology; Digital Humanities; Electronic Literature
Webpage: {{, English Directory Page}}


Puzey, Joshua
Broderick Family/Goldman Sachs Associate Professor of Biology
Office: Integrated Science Center 3285
Email: [[w| jrpuzey]]
Areas of Specialization: Plant Biology, Genomics, and Molecular Ecology
Webpage: {{, Personal Website}}

Margaret Saha

Saha, Margaret
Chancellor Professor of Biology
Office: Integrated Science Center 3049
Email: [[w|mssaha]]
Areas of Interest: Molecular genetics of early vertebrate embryogenesis, particularly in the development of the nervous system
Webpage: {{, Personal Website}}


Shen-Bayh, Fiona
Assistant Professor of Government
Office: Chancellors 238
Email: [[w|fshenbayh]]
Areas of Interest: examine the challenges of promoting access to equitable justice and the legacies of autocratic rule. As co-founder and co-director of the Digital Inclusion and Governance Lab, my research draws on a variety of digital tools and data to analyze the political economy of development in the Global South.
Webpage: {{, Personal Website}}


Vierthaler, Paul
Assistant Professor of Chinese Studies
Office: Washington Hall 234
Email: [[w| pavierthaler]]
Areas of Interest: His research focuses primarily on late imperial Chinese literature. His current monograph project tracks how historical information in late imperial China was transmitted and deformed through novels, dramas, and unofficial histories ("quasi-histories") using traditional critical analysis and computational analytics (natural language processing, corpus linguistics, machine learning, and other data analyses). He is interested in both big data analytics and minimal computing.
Webpage: {{, Modern Languages Website}}