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The following is a list of lectures sponsored or co-sponsored by the Department of Classical Studies since 2015 that feature speakers diverse in their person and/or topics related to diversity and inclusion.  Lectures marked with an asterisk in 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2021-2022 were coordinated with the committees for the anniversary celebrations of African-American students in residence, female students in residence, and Asian, Pacific Islander, and Middle Eastern students in residence, respectively.


AY 2021-2022

Irby, Georgia - Greece & India, China & Rome: at the Crossroads of the Ancient World *

Meyer, Elizabeth - Sacred 'Manumissions' and Sanctuaries

Murphy, Joanne - The Power of the Ancestors at Pylos

Newlands, Carole - Proving a nation: Scotland and the Classics

Panoussi, Lily - From Harry Potter to BTS: Greek myth in Youth Culture *

Smith, Tyler Jo - Daily Devotions: Art, Religion, and Experience in Ancient Greece

Swetnam-Burland, Molly - Women's Work? Investors, Money-Handlers, and Dealers

Symons, Sarah - Keepers of time: ancient Egyptian sundials and water clocks


AY 2020-2021

Becker, Hilary - Shopping for artists’ materials in ancient Rome: pigment shops, pigments, and product choice

Flemming, Rebecca - Anatomy as Religion: The Body in Ancient Italian Votive Practice


AY 2019-2020

Rush, Laurie - Saving Archaeology in Crisis Areas


AY 2018-2019

Keith, Allison – Gender in Roman Poetry *

Kerstel, Morag – Who Owns the Past: Competing Claims for Antiquities from the Holy Land

Larson, Stephanie (with Kevin Daly) – New Excavations at Thebes

Lee, Mireille – Gender and Greek Dress

Mayor, Adrienne – The Amazons: Warrior Women in Myth, Art, and Archaeology *


AY 2017-2018

Blakely, Sandra – Gods, Games, and Sailors: Maritime Networks and the Mysteries of the Great Gods of Samothrace

Eaverly, Mary Ann – Cultic Continuity: Re-Interrogating the Parthenon Frieze *

Gazda, Elaine – Slaves and Servants in the Villa of the Mysteries

Rankin, Patrice – Slavery and the Book in Virginia *

Suresh, Sethuraman – Gold and Silver for Gems and Spices: Roman Coins in India and Sri Lanka


AY 2016-2017

Dean-Jones, Lesley – Galen and the Culture of Dissection

Myers, Gretchen – Etruscan Ritual and Gender Roles: Evaluating Female Participation at the Sanctuary of Poggio Colla

Nussbaum, Martha – Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice

Sagstetter, Kelcy – Who’s Your Daddy? A Paternity Crisis after the Peloponnesian War

Wescoat, Bonna – From the Vantage of the Victory: New Research on the Nike of Samothrace


AY 2015-2016

Buckley, Emma – The Politics of Translation: Sex and Slavery in Ovid’s Amores

Bundrick, Sheramy – Picturing Divination on Athenian Vases

James, Sharon – Women in Roman Comedy and Roman Life

Sweetman, Rebecca – Visitors to the Cyclades: Roman Exiles and Tourists and Late Antique Pilgrims

Teeter, Emily – Popular Religion in Ancient Egypt

Tzanetou, Angeliki – No Pity for Hecuba: Euripides’ Hecuba and the Athenian Empire []